Hi, all.
Again, it’s been a busy, stressful few weeks. The last time I posted, my larger dog had just gone through surgery.
He’d had a growth removed that we’d all thought was a hernia, at first. Once the vet had the poor babe open he discovered it was *not* a hernia. It was a tumor. Pretty good sized at that. So he had to excise quite a bit extra tissue just to make sure he’d gotten all of it. It appears he did but like any cancer, we’ll have to keep our eyes open to make sure nothing else grows on my Jax.
Now, at the same time we had him examined for surgery, I also brought in my smaller dog, Buffy. You remember Buffy. The small dog I took multitudes of photos of and “shared” with you, causing a small amount of torture because I because I’m in love with her? *grin*
Well, at the same time as taking Jax in, we took her in because she had a cyst growing on the side her neck. I’d thought it was a bad bug bite at first some weeks back and it seemed to have dissipated but the few days before Jax’s surgery, I saw that it had grown to about the size of a kernal of corn. It was not attached to muscle, just under her skin. Okay - don’t worry. Doc looked at it, frowned and told me we’d try antibiotics, first.
We did. No change. Then two weeks later, when we took Jax in for stitch removal, I brought her in again. He reexamined it. Frowned. Told me that because he could not right off tell me what it was, it was likely that we should just remove it.
As I’d just put out a good chunk of cash for Jax, I could not bring her in that week. So my sweets and I all decided that the following week would be just barely possible with the price quote we’d received from the doc. Okay. We can do this.
Now, in the small span of waiting that one extra week, the growth...well...grew. Now it was the size of a small pea! Okay. IN she goes. Sooner than letting a week pass. No waiting. It was the weekend so I called on Monday morning and was able to take her in this last Tuesday.
You wanna know stress? She’s about as important to me as my human loved ones. I’ve never had a dog that returned the love given them in such abundance. So, of course I fretted while she was in surgery. She was supposed to be in at 8:30 am and out by 3-5pm. Okay. I had a personal dr appt that same day so we went to pick her up as soon as I was done. We got there at 2:30 and the nurses were fine with that and smiling. Buffy was doing well and yes, I could take her home. She was ready.
Got there and my heart, oh my heart. She was sooo out of it but her little front legs, which I have a tendency to refer to as arms, though they’re not, grasped my lifting arms as if she’d never let me go. She held on for dear life with the look of “I’ve had SUCH a bad day.”
I smiled, tried not to cry, and held her as we made payment. Which was, again, more than quoted and I found out why. When the vet opened her up - the growth did not look benign. So to make sure he’d gotten it all, he, like with Jax, had to excise extra tissue around the damn cyst. I had the cyst sent it for analysis, just to make sure. They told me it would take about two to three days before they received their lab results. No problem.
I looked at my poor Frankenpuppy and we went home.
Here is my baby sleeping in her little bed that is on my desk. She does not really bother the stitches which are dissolvable and will fade with the passing weeks. Anything left after that I can take her back in if I want - or I can do it. I have in the past when I worked with rehabilitating wildlife.
So...I got a phonecall early this morning, as soon as the vet received the results. It *was* malignant. But they believe they got it all. I *do* have to be aware to keep my eyes open for *any* other growths. If I find anything, I’m to bring her back in immediately. But they seem satisfied that they’d gotten it all with this particular surgery
Now, what is it with my house at the moment? I know damn well cancer is not something one can “catch,” but DAYUM! My poor animals!
Along with this, my sister had her radioactive iodine ablation (
http://www.thyca.org/ablation.htm) around the same time as Jax had his surgery, and went through the three plus days of discomfort while being unable to interreact with her own family in her own house during that time. THEN she has an allergic reaction to something about two weeks later. Prolly the sulfa drug they put her after having another allergic reaction. (Long damn story) In any case, she ended up with something called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. (
Warning: Do NOT google it. It’s...horrid. That’s why I put up the *nicer* link. And I thank the powers that be that she received a very very *very* mild case. But it was right after having been treated for cancer. And being “mild” did not make it hellaciously unpleasant along with her own stress of having just recovered from that damned ablation.
Add a few more things that I don't feel like putting the time in to write down 'cause they'd likley just bore you all (like *this* hasn't?)So the last couple of weeks have been...difficult. Stress much?
*shakes head* I am SO tired. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep.
And maybe play a little WoW and draw. I don’t want to do the normal living things. Cooking, cleaning, etc. All because I’m just physically and emotionally worn out.
Oh yeah...it’s also that time of the month.
Harumph.It was also my birthday the same day Buffy had her surgery, on the 14th. *sigh*