Hi all! Not too much to say today except for the stuff behind the cut to save those who are not interested in WoW.
Okay, for those who play WoW (World of Warcraft) I have a sort of favor to ask.
I had a character who was a hunter troll. Her name originally was Cutiepie. Someone complained and I had to change it.
Now, has anyone taken a look at the new “Warcraft Armory” that shows character profiles of everyone? I took a look out of curiosity, to see if there were any “Cutiepie’s” listed.
There are eighty-eight..
Now I’m aware that PVP (Player vs Player) servers and Normal servers have different name policies than RP servers, which is what I play on. But I found that there were at least two or three Cutiepie’s on RP servers.
So, I set about asking, *why* I’d had to change my name and why the others did not. Their rather cryptic answers covered the fact that someone had actually complained about my name so whoever was on made the decision that I had to change it. Expecially as it does not stand by the conventional RP nameing rules. I.e. it’s not a medieval type name.
Now, without blowing a gasket I asked about the other Cutiepies and they did *not* answer me. Instead the person on at the time chose to repeat what they’d already said to me along with choosing another of my characters to pick on saying that THAT name was not proper for an RP server. Meaning they were subtly threatening to have me change another character name, without addressing my first query.
They also basically told me that Cutiepie had been complained about so I had to change it. I commented to them that then if I went to another RP server and used that name, I could, until somone complained?! Um, about those rules?…
Then I asked what about all those other names that do not fit the rules even more so? I mean, there were names like Ihatecats, Boingboing, Massengill, Dinnertime, sneekyguy, Zhxcc and more. Lots and lots more. These are Medieval?
Good move. Not.
So, I’ve written them yet another letter, repeating my question about why my name had to be changed and yet names on other RP servers were allowed to remain. Why the rules were not consistent through-out the realms. What complaint was actually made? Don’t they have a record of it? I mean, really! What is wrong with Cutiepie?
I suggested that should a player be told that the name of their char was unnacceptable, there should be a way to sweep the other servers and check for that SAME name and have those individuals also notified that their names are not acceptable. Otherwise the rules become amazingly arbitrary.
If any of you are up to it and feel like taking the time, I would really appreciate anyone who would like to get on the bandwagon of asking why names that were deemed unnacceptable on one RP server were okay on another. Why they were not told to change their names as well? And why names were not checked on as new players were made to make sure that the names were acceptable. After all, they should support their own rules at all times, not just when they feel like it.
I’m very angry about this. Not the having to change my name but the reasons behind it. One person complained and I had to change it. Yet a GM has to receive multiple complaints about someone being profane on chat or some such thing before they’ll do anything. And the name is okay on other RP servers? Grrrr grrr grrrr grrrr. I’m rather…oh shit. I’m just angry.
If anyone is interested they have to write to wowaccountadmin@blizzard.com .
Otherwise things are plugging along.
Yesterday Tan and I helped to do a lifecast with out Nocturnum group. We’d taught them how to do it two weeks before.
I say “Notcturnum Group” with tongue in cheek as only two members showed up. But I guess that was the best for us as we discovered at the very last minute that we only had enough plaster to create one face life-cast!
So we put goo on Mitch’s face and he was prolly the best victi..ur, subject I’ve ever had. Perfect. And his face turned out extremely well.
Then home, rest, - lots of standing on my owie foot. A bit of TV - Dresden Files, and then bed. I didn’t even get any writing done which I do every night at least a bit to the fun dual writing exercise that Shadow and I are doing! I even crashed without doing that. Guess I was tired from standing so long. Ah wall. Sleep was good.
Today has been weird as I’ve felt all zoney and have done very little. Hopefull as night rolls around I’ll strt feeling berrer. Just one of those day, I guess.
No wait! I’ve got it!
It’s MONDAY! *grin*