it'ssss SANTA-WING

Dec 01, 2007 11:49

A month after moving into the new house, so far, everything is a mess. There are boxes everywhere. I can hardly find anything in the house if they are still in boxes (like my sketchbook..) thank goodness I still have all my manga. :) they were specifically marked by me but my sketchbooks weren't so.. they're lost. Well, I'm pretty sure they're just under the mountain of boxes and junk. Someone is supposed to come and fix the pipes today. The water pressure is too low, hardly any water goes into the bath and the sink in the kitchen is broken.. my parents weren't too happy about that.

Tomorrow is the start of the Christmas month~ time to be jolly and happy. C: ONLY~ if you can ignore the amount of homework that will be given. Haha. Speaking of homework, I should try and put a dent in it before tomorrow ... I'll think about it later. During the Christmas months, I don't know what I'll be doing that'll be special. In fact, I don't know what to do for Christmas ever. How shall I celebrate such a festive holiday?

Vampire Knight Chapter 34... I saw the RAW, read the Chinese one and I am so.. surprised. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. Poor Zero, being all confused by Yuuki. I was pretty confused actually, I need the English scanlations to be more clear on what was happening. But the last page was very suspenseful. Kaname and Yuuki~~ O:

I finally got Guilty Gear yesterday when I went out with my friends. It's so fun but so hard. D: I can never beat stage 10 in arcade mode. I need to practice more. Using the Instant Kills are so hard. I bet it would've been harder if I got it on Wii. Yay for PS2. I still need to get these other games ... P: Hmmm...

It's really cold here in Toronto. I mean, REALLY cold. The wind makes it chilling to the bone. The weather reporters say the wind goes 70km?/h... that's as fast as a car!! It is THAT cold. Brr.. thank goodness for heaters.. :3 But I was at the Ontario Science Centre on Thursday, two buses past by when I was waiting for the light to change. OTL..

At the OSC, our class was at the Titanic exhibit. We watched Titanica, which was really boring actually and it made me very dizzy. @_@; The exhibit was pretty cool. There were dishes and perfumes. AND THERE WAS A FAKE ICEBERG. It was real ice. We got to touch it. HAHAHA. There was this one guy who kept triggering the alarms even if he just walked close to the item. It was really weird yet amusing at the same time. I felt so sorry for the security guards. D: They seemed so annoyed. One guy had a goatee.. lol. Poor guys, they should get a raise for surviving our dorky IB wrath. XD

What else did I want to say? Oh yes, Christmas wish lists. I've seen some around. C: It's Santa-Wing to the rescue. If I see something I can grant, I'll try my best. C: I'm going to be a miniature Santa Claus. I don't need to know if you're naughty or nice, I think everyone deserves to feel loved at least once a year and more everyday. Santa-Wing needs sleep now~ I'll post again when something interesting enough motivates me. C:

game: guilty gear, osc, ps2, moving houses, weather, manga: vampire knight, dorky ib wrath, manga: spoilers, holiday: xmas

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