Summer Woe & Vampire Fetishes

Jul 06, 2007 19:43

Is it really summer here in North America?! It feels.. very spring-like. There's the nice breeze, showers of rain, and the occasional major heats. The weather is weird. ):

These days I am totally and completely obsessed with vampire manga and some vampire stories. *__* I've been reading Vampire Knight and the new RustBlaster manga. VK is all DRAMA right now, but good drama, Zerame drama. oAo I've only just read the first chapter of RB, but helluvamazing manga. o__q Aldrei pairing? ... not really. Hahaha. But I really like the characters and the plot so far, they're both quite original. SRSLY THO. What's up with me and vampires these days, gaaaar.

I really should be finishing my Civics!ONLINE work but nooo, I'm typing up a journal entry. I hate Civics, I can never concentrate on it. WHYY? ;o; Damn, I regret taking this course online. ): puuu... at least I finished KH2 on Beginner Mode... XD My brother chose it. Xemnas was annoying anyway. ]:

OWN REFERENCE [IGNORE] I like to write down what I've read just in case I want to read them again. :d
Books I've read so far this summer;
'M or F' Papademtriou&Tebbetts (****)
'13 Little Blue Envelopes' Johnson(***1/2)

game: kh2, manga: vampire knight, ps2, manga: rustblaster, life

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