Back at One

Aug 28, 2004 23:35

I've lost my general reason as to why I have this journal. It turns out that more people read it that I knew, but no one bothers to comment. I used to use this thing as a vent for my frustration, and I guess to some extent I use it for the selfsame purpose, but it's gotten less satisfying as of late. My problems have become too private to share with a general audience, yet when thought about, are incredibly stupid and I doubt that I've reached the certain level of maturity to deal with them. But whatever, whatever happens will happen and I have much more important things to worry about than social issues.

Band is one. The level of intensity of band camp has risen and I guess it could be a challenge trying to show responsibility to the freshmen, but so far the standard of our section hasn't been incredibly high, and I don't feel that the section as a whole is up to the standard that Greg has been setting for the band. He said it perfectly today, when he suggested that he have the 6 clarinets who know what they're doing play and march and the rest be "bench warmers," like in football. Although that's virtually impossible, it seems to be about 6 of us playing and the rest, while trying, aren't up to the standard, which is a shame, because I've noticed that effort. The drill we received today was confusing, but also frustrating when people couldn't accomplish something as simple as standard 8 to 5 stride. But yeah, our behavior as a band today was miles improved over the past few days. We didn't do a whole lot musically, I've never been a fan of bopping, even if it helps with rhythm. The show is difficult even to mark time, but it's a challenge that we're willing to face.

But on to happier things. The beach bonfire was today, and it was just a gossip-filled good time. I saw My Duyen there, which was awesome since I hadn't spoken to her in a long time. We had a little duck duck goose game, the first time I played that game since elementary school. I also got to catch up with Holly and Sydne, whom according to them, I've been "out of the loop" with for the past few years. Well, I sort of jumped back in I guess today, and I love gossip. I found out some jicy stuff, which was great, and I also have new suspicions which scares me, but few people will know what that was in reference to. Sage, Aneesh, and Katie killed me today, with tackles and sand attacks. Hm, Pokemon attacks, curious. Razor leaf Bulbasaur!

I have to do my AP USH homework tomorrow or I'm screwed. Well, not screwed per se, but I don't want to cram everything into the last 3 days before school starts, so I'd like to get as much done tomorrow as possible, or at least until fatigue or boredom set in. I'll need to approach it with a good mindset, because if I get bored I probably won't have the heart to continue.

Well then, until then, farewell.
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