Aug 10, 2004 19:43
Today I drove again. I can do a 3 point U-Turn now, and I can park perfectly and turn around cul de sacs with ease. Gotta love it.
My stomach was in a lot of pain today, and still is right now. I don't know what I ate, but sometimes it aches and sometimes it's nauseating. I won't eat anything for the rest of the day today.
It sucks. Now that I don't eat I'm gaining weight. Before I ate a lot and my weight was only like 105, now I don't eat and I'm nearing 120. Maybe cause I've gotten a lot stronger, but I've also gotten a lot fatter, I don't look as scrawny as I used to.
Watched more Friends and played more Starcraft today. It's what I do during the summer. Until band camp starts of course, that'll give me something to do.
I'm tired.