I think the most amusing parts of my day now involve children and gravity

Nov 04, 2007 01:23

I worked like whoa today and earned myself a sexy 184 dollars in tips.

I also saw Novi's state performance and was not dissapointed. They did very well.

Studying for my exams is going to put my time management skills to the test.

I love people watching.

I don't know how or what I feel about _____ anymore.

Vodka goes surprisingly well with spearmint gum and mountain dew as a chaser.

I want rum.

I don't care who you are, "retro" is not cool.

I worship the man who invented febreeze.


If you use the word "delicious" as a description to fashion, you should be killed.

"Chartruese" isn't a color. Fuck you.

I love white kids who are into asian culture so much, it's pretentious. I love them because they secretly hate themselves for being white.

If you own health insurance, you should try to get hurt as much as possible.

What does the V-card grant you access to? Are there any hidden power ups or levels available to people who still hold it? Secondly, if you lose it, can you get it replaced? Shit can get lost pretty easy in real life.

Buy meijer spring water. It's water, minus all the bullshit. Including advertising.

I write to soothe my mind. You should write to soothe yours. And then come over and soothe mine with a massage.

Apple Jacks don't taste like apples. They've never said anything to mislead you into thinking it in the first place either. But theres always some asshole who needs to get his shit wrecked by a 9-year old with too much analytical skill because he thinks a mass-produced, grain-originated cereal will taste like apples. I should make a cereal called "shit in a box", but then have it taste like shit in a box. They'll be more mad about the fact that they ate a cereal called shit in the box under the impression it would taste ike something amazing, than they would about the actual shit taste.

People are dumb.

Someone should job me.

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