By contrast to this time yesterday, this morning is FUCKING FANTASTIC OMG
Yesterday, when I was out, I decided to go get myself a new PSP memory card at last (although I had to take a detour when
Billy showed up and sort of... steered me sideways while asking if I was single. :/ I told him no, said I was going shopping then to work and he went off - in the direction I was meant to be going. fffff). I tried to get PSN working on my PSP at home but it just kept downloading the same update over and over without ever installing it, even though I told it to. In the end I gave up and went to work. Actually got the update installed while I was at work, sneakily plugging the charger in in a corner while my aunt was out. But I still couldn't get on PSN.
And then o nthe way back to my BF's, I had a thought - I could use his PS3, couldn't I? Just download the stuff on there and then transfer it~
...Except the PS3 wasn't plugged in to the TV so I had to sort of fiddle around with that a lot before it would work. :/
But I got it working, added the credits to my account and downloaded Final Fantasy 7, 8 & 9! Took a while, and then I had to install them on the PS3 before it would let me copy them but it is finally all done, about 2 hours after I started.
At last!
And now my only dilemma is - which do I play first?!
lmao, leaving my PSP behind when I go to work is going to kill me. XD I can see my RP activity dropping even more now....