List 5 reasons why you are a geek. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud about how big of a geek you are!
1. I take my class notes in school on a computer with a bettie page background on it and with bettie page stickers. I am also the one that emails everyone my notes when they miss class and get damn frustrated with my laptop power cable when it is not functioning.
2. The books that I have read for FUN include, Marx's Capital, The Peoples History of the united states, michael moore, molly ivins and al franken's books, Harry Potter (so far about 10 times with each book) Sociology textbooks, Political Science textbooks (yes these are for fun) then tere is also the usual sci fi fantasy genera that most people i know read
3. I am a female gamer marred to a male gamer. I have 3 40k armies versus my husbands 8. i love both vampire and d and d and werewolf. i have most of the munchkin sets (i would take donations for me gettin munchkin fu 2 and clerical errors and unatrual axe
:-p) please refer to: 4. i have been known to wait in line outside the theater to see star wars.
5. CON!!!! i love con but unfourtantely this year i will not be able to go because of the new job.