The straw that broke the camel's back

Jan 21, 2006 16:59

I'm heading down to Orlando in the next hour or so for Mom's birthday. We're seeing Brokeback Mountain tonight at the Enzian. I'm beyond excited.

I stayed home from work again today, called in sick. I bet it looks suspicious but I don't give a fuck. Thursday night was the straw that broke the camel's back. Basically what happened was, on my final call of the night, I got a cunt of a lady who basically demanded (not insisted) that I turn her phone back on because we disconnected it for non-payment. Long story short, she got the run around and feels we owe her a shitload of credit and free rollover minutes. So, I feel bad for her. (i'm apparently a gullible idiot) and offer to set up an investigation into the matter so out team can go back into her account and credit her accordingly. So I place her on hold and go over to David to ask how I set up an investigation an he sighs loudly, rolls his eyes like it was as easy as 2+2 and should instinctively know this (which mind you I never learned) and rattles off how to do the whole process in 2.5 seconds. So I'm like "whoa whoa slow down can you repeat that slower so I can actually register what you just said and he gives me the eye roll again and shakes his head. Bastard. So I get back on the phone and cheerfully explain how I'm setting up an investigation into the matter and that I'm terribly sorry for her inconvienience and she cuts me off and says "Put my phone back on now or I'm not getting off this phonecall" then randomly she says "I have three kids in cheerleading and soccor practice and I need the phone NOW. And not to intimidate you but my husband is a sheriff and he does have a gun" What the fuck dies that mean? So I explain to her I was in the process of turning them on and she repeats "Well my husband with his gun needs his phone tonight before you're off this call. While you at this little investigation, have them investigate the other 7 reps I talked to who didn't do shit." At this point I'm fuming of her repeat mention of her husband with a gun. Honestly, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? What so if I don't fix her problem she have her husband shoot me? What a dumb bitch. It dosen't pay to try to help people. I finished up the call never the less not losing my cool once and all I could think about was why am I putting myself through this crap? It's not worth it. Between dickhead customers and my asshole manager I go home feeling ill and stressed every night.

That's why I was home Friday and today. I couldn't motivate myself to go in. I've also had it up to here (you can't see where I'm pointing ha!) with co-workers saying, like brainwashed puppets: "Things will get better, stick it out, think about your future" You know what? I am thinking about my future and it sure the hell dosen't involve Cingular.

Next in my agena: Find decent non-stress inducing job.
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