Feb 28, 2005 12:57
well goodness so much has happenned I dont even know where to begin... me and mchael broke up and then Sean voteburg happenned it was a short 2 weeker but hes just a friend now he was sweet, asked me out at a playground at night, short but sweet. I ended up breaking things off because we went to different schools and never hung out and we could only hang out on weekends but most of the time he was busy and he could never do anything and so I duno and I had the feeling hed cheat on me.A few months went by Then it was Sean Mckechnie, He was very funny, also quite cute! we only ended up dating for a moth but yah, he asked me out at school. I go to the same dance studio as his sister. His family was sooo nice. I started haveing feelings fr micahel again and it wasnt fair to him so I broke things off. that was a few weeks ago like 2 or three Id say. Well Michael ended up breaking up with kelly but we havent gotton together. I decided it would just be better if me and him stayed friends because its really hard to get into another relationship like that knowing how it ended last time... (i.e. me wanting to be chopped up into a million pieces and fed to a lama) but yah I'm starting to have feelings for my good friend Brandon hes really sweet and I talk to him all the time! hes AWESOME! I must say!
But anywho steven came home this weekend. It was cool I hadnt seen him in a really long time his hyear doesnt seem to different from last year when he lived with us. Its normal when he comes home, he sleeps in his old room in the same top bunk as usual! but yah! anywho....
Me and Breezy hung out like almost the entire weekend! I wasn sooo excited beacause I havent talked to her in such a long time! well I mean hung out with her. I had such the most brilliant time. on Friday we dressed upas men by drawing lovely beards and unibros on our faces and then we chased Daid dow around the street. haha it was a god time I hugged a tree and took some pictures.
Saturday we hung out with Lauren and Taylor and Nat and BRANDON it was fun. Loud. but It was fun. I didnt really talk a lot with brandon much less with nat or taylor. Me and Breezy and Lauren had quite a brilliant time in the bathroom making farting noises and acting constipated though. what a laugh those ladies are! Im in love!
Sunday was also hung out which was a good time I fel a bit depressed though because no one could come over dumb parents wouldnt let us and me and breezy got in a bit of trouble! sad day. Breezy went home for a bit to think over some things and me and lauren hung out for a few it was a pretty okay day over all... I had a dream about satin it scared me quite a bit. so i woke up and I swear he was there in the bathroom while i was in the shower. freaked me out so i hopped out really fast and went and sat on my parnets bed as they slept. but i better go im sitting in.... 5th period with breezy i love u and Sheree i miss u