shikarou, I could really use you down here @ Knox2. The corners they cut would give you a coronary.
Let me elaborate.
Most of the operating hours procedures are just mildly different, nothing bad or unusual. The bad stuff only happens at night. (We only come out at night.)
Floors are cleaned with a cloth mop and Tide with Bleach. Steam wells are only cleaned until they are clean enough, not until they are clean-clean. Little bit of beef fat or pork fat still in the well? No problem! The salad cook's floor is hosed off only, no scrubbing, no mopping, no floor cleaner, no problem! AFAIK food costs are through the freakin' roofs because they throw out more then they should (and things they shouldn't). When I told them we kept fish for the next day, they were all like "zomgwtfbbq!!!!!1111111eleventy-one111!!" When it hits 170 degrees, it is safe to eat, folks. Things we don't ever keep? Rolls, fried foods and rice and grilled porkd and chicken (and anything that looks like poop). Everything else is fair game. Why? Because it gets COOKED and only stays on the bars until 1 pm. I got the slack-jawed response from above. Dish room is actually run right, AFICT, I actually got called on not spraying the plates before sending them through, which is cool but at the same time, the table was piled high and the poor woman back there was so lost, so I got behind there and just started to get into a rythym.
shikarou, save me! You're my only hope.