Trouble Sleeping

Nov 13, 2005 23:11

I'm having trouble sleeping again. So many thoughts running through my mind. So many feelings. I'm tired of my emotional state being in turmoil. Why can I not have some sort of emotional stability? Why must I live life like I do? I try so hard to do things right and I always wind up making them worse.

I had thought I finally stabilized my finances and they are back in the crapper. No extra bills, just the same ones I usually have. I need to change that. I need to pay them off as quickly as possible but I don't have the money. When I'm not buying games to relax with or saving up for a bill, I'm not quite sure what is happening to my money. It's been nearly three months since I vowed to pay off all my bills and I've only managed to kill one of them. I need more time, but that isn't something I have. The clock is counting down to zero hour and I still haven't accomplished anything with my life. That makes me feel absolutely horrid.

I don't know where to go from here, or what to do. I'm really trying hard to place my faith in God's plan for me, but I don't even know what that plan is. I don't know what He wants me to do. I've been praying on that for a while now.

I'd like to ask you folks to keep some folks in your prayers. ladytitan as her ear is no better and she's no closer to an answer. somnambulated because he's going through a really rough patch right now and he can use all of the prayers he can get. sessys_fangirl for a happy, healthy child and a worry-free delivery. shikarou as the expectant father. I swear he's going to have gray hair by the time his child arrives. Last, but certainly not least, I'd like for you to pray for me, that I might find the path God has set out for me, that I might get out of financial difficulty and get my life in order.

susan, god, jamie, david

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