Work Sucks

Nov 08, 2005 22:41

Yet I still go back for more. I must be a sadist of the highest order.

The evil co-worker of doom (because I cannot post his name for several reasons, the least being my own personal integrity in respecting his right to privacy) has been fired, I open the display area for the next 6 days, and for the next 6 days I am going to be asked, by regular customers, for steak before 4. Every. Single. Day. Only thing is that Sunday I'll actually be able to serve them before 4 because *gaspgasp* we serve steak all day on Sunday. That's why it costs $8.59 for the all-you-can eat mega bar all day on Sunday. So go away, unless its Sunday, and do not ask for steak before 4. You will not get any.

Last night one of my co-workers suggested something that I think will help my relationship with Leslie that I'm going to try. It has more to do with her son then with Leslie herself as my relationship with her is going along swimmingly. I'd also like to revise something. I'm not happy. I'm just content. Content is good, it keeps one from being too sad or depressed, but it is nothing compared with being happy. I had happiness and tossed that to the wind. ):

Anyways. Back to RPing in a chat room instead of playing Guild Crack Wars.

And as for Jamie, I don't know. I think I have some questions she might be able to answer about faith. Perhaps I will email her.

jamie, work, leslie, faith

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