(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 00:30

Is this really it? I mean, should I just get used to being alone? Certainly seems so. My relationship with Brian will eventually phase out. No one new, not even anyone on the radar. Hello, can I please find a gay man who is both attractive (to me) and has no mental problems? And one, I suppose, who is looking for what I'm looking for? Though that would technically fall into the mental defect category, if they weren't looking for a relationship. While I certainly don't condemn those who seek out sex, it seems ultimately self-defeating. Those usually drawn to being players will eventually get old, become undesireable, and then find they're powers of seduction are nil. I suppose that would be worse than never having tread down that road before.

It's also unfortunate that gays in general will pass on something good because it's not in the package they wanted. Assuming everyone gets old and ugly and grey eventually, it seems wise to look for stability and substance than flash and glitter, smoke and mirrors. Whatever. It is just so critically difficult to find any gay man out there of any worth. And wouldn't it be nice if I could know who was gay and who wasn't. It would make things so much easier. There are good men out there, just not any good gay men. Maybe its a northern thing. Maybe there are good ones down south.

All I can really do is stay the course, partnered or alone. Either way, the sun will rise tomorrow.
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