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Jan 11, 2015 13:09

Window shopping on-line can be hazardous to your pocket book. For instance I'm poking around here and there and found a loose Megazord. It was missing some accessories but it Megazord itself was complete and came with it's sword.

So I'm looking at Azathoth, one of my latest creation;


And wow... it's REALLY big... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... that's awfully big compared to the other piece I made... maybe it's time to find... something bigger as an adversary. But what's about 12” tall? Tall... big... powerful... weapons.... A MEGAZORD!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!

So one click and a few days to ship later, a mostly complete Samurai Megazord thingy was at my home, waiting to make the transition from super-sentai mecha to inconceivably large, god-like 'bot to face the equally inconceivable, madness-inducing power of Azathoth! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

… yeah, I was a tad excited at the prospect. Nyah.

So what happened? Ok, ok, it's not the most impressive thing in the world, but I like it. I didn't mess with the general look of the Megazord. I liked the way it looks like a giant, bad-ass, monster-beating machine already. So what to add? Not much, mostly flourishes there and there. Some extra 'armor', here, a few more fins and other details there.

I am very proud of the extra weapons I created.

'Dude, if this thing is as big as Azathoth why does it need a giant daisho and bow?'

Um... well... 'cuz... ya see... HEY IT'S A MOUNTAIN-SIZED MECHA WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR MEGA-QUANTITIES OF DAMAGE AND FIGHTING A GOD, IT NEEDS A GIANT BOW AND DAISHO... 'cuz... giant robots need that stuff. Yeah. So there.

The 'katana' is based on the sword which game with the Megazord. I reinforced the 'spine' of the blade since it was bent. The 'wakizashi' was another Bionicle piece that I kit-bashed into a sword. I'm very proud of the bow. It's kit-bashed from odds-and-ends.

Everything is designed to be on the Megazord's 'armor'. The bow is slung on the 'back' while the daisho slips into slots on the hips. And there's an additional shoulder cannon on the right shoulder of the Megazord.

Of course gotta have a stand!!! The theme I've followed with this Cthulhu-tech of ancient tech continues. I created a city-scape that's seen much better days. Chunks of 'gravel', structures which have been smashed into ruins, and a lone, massive tower stands defiant to any force.

There ya go!

Super-sized samurai 'bot!

Giant 'bots need giant, abandoned cities to pose with.

All the weapons racked-up

Yes, if you're the size of a mountain you still need a shoulder-cannon and swords

And a bow!

geek project

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