Figured I'd post an update here since I've neglected to do so for some time.
New job--well new rotation anyways - I love it, I could see this being a career even if I regularly put in 9-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I do a lot of programming, scripting, technical tinkering, and things of that nature. I am home.
Went to VT for vacation with the family, it was nice to kickback for a while, but my family can be a bit much in extended doses.
atticdoor and I are looking to set a date, probably Fall '10 at this point. We'd have too little time to plan if we tried for '09.
Still living with
godsaslug in the apartment, all good on this front.
I'm planning to make a full migration from my, to put it sedately, not-quite-right copy of Windows to a full Linux-based desktop and laptop set up (I'm going with Ubuntu of course). I'm preparing for this change over as we speak, I'm just uncertain as to the approach to take. I could just dive headfirst, back up music/documents and full format GO! or do a dual boot, test to make sure my games and passtimes work completely then do carry through.
I might just go for the full shebang since I know WoW runs, and thats the big one I need to have running right away. This mostly being because I hate waiting.
I'd just like to get onto an operating system where I don't have to worry about some Corporate overlord shutting me down because I don't tithe.
Worst comes to worst, I'll ask for Windows 7 for my birthday and switch back then.
tl;dr - I'm doing about the same, and have been very busy with work, otherwise life is good.
Also, feel free to hit me up on AIM, I should be on 24/7 with my cell phone these days.
Running completely in linux now, so far so good, I've got some screenshots here of my desktop as I have it configured. I decided to go for a Steampunk theme with the config:
Here is my desktop including a built in commandline interface:
Here is the cube effect I so love:
This is the top cap of the cube:
and here's the bottom: