Apr 23, 2005 21:38
im so sick of this..... i hate how people just want to bring me down.... they just piss me off.
everyone who months ago told me that they would habg out with me or do something with me for my birthday now have plans. these same people are just too busy for me lately. im so sick of it.... when people basicly ignore me in the hall they might say hi.... they talk to me online and everything but i ahve to IM them.... but then i stop trying so hard and they always seem to find me and say hi.... i don't get it. i just don't fucking get it. im sorry if i am making anyone mad by this but it is on my mind and if i don't get it out here..... then i will some place else.... and it might be to that person. im so sick of people treating me like shit.... these people that say that they care about me.... they tell me that they r there for me... but when i try to tell them that im upset they tell me to hold on a sec.
i just wish that people would remember when i tell them i want to hang out on my birthday MONTHS before my birthday and they say ok.... then make plans.... i know sometimes u can't help it.... but when almost everytime u try to make plans with someone and they r busy.... it gets annoying... so i give up.
to that someone who has broken that last hope i had..... if u notice a lack of IMs or a Lck of a wave in the hall.... if i get up and walk off when u come and sit next to me.... it is becuase im done. i have given up. im done trying to be freinds with u. i want to be freinds it isn't that i don't but im done working for it. maybe when u notice a lack of me around u will relize u hurt me.
-Lindsey Dawn