Pairing/Characters: Don/Coop
Rating: PG-13?
Spoilers: Small one for Man Hunt 1.13
Summary: Don takes a moment to remember what he had.
Word Count: 101 *sigh* it was 100, but my beta got all all grammar like on me.....
Prompt: #112 Back Seat from
numb3rs100 Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs. I just like to play with them
Notes/Warnings: Thanks to bubbleslayer for betaing. It just popped into my head. I wanted to write some hot Don/Coop pr0n but it wasn't to be. I am pretty happy with how this came out. Maybe one of my better pieces.
How many times did they hunker down in the backseat, sight unseen, from their quarry’s eyes? How many times did they find a secluded spot on the side of a road to sate their building passion, before resuming the chase? How many times did they go for hours without sleep and food?
The answer is dozens upon dozens of times, and they never looked back.
Don remembers those times with fondness and freedom, but they’re also colored with a deep darkness. He doesn’t regret it, he just moved on. Moved on alone, without the shadow he trusted more than his own.