Taking Advice

Nov 17, 2005 21:12

Tom and I had a long conversation today. He seems to think Turmoil is becoming too much of a distraction for me and that me allowing her family into our lives is no good for my cause. I am annoyed with her family, all of them, and do wish they'd never gotten involved. Perhaps I'm going soft... not even a year ago I would have killed them for snooping and be done with it. I also wonder what Turmoil's real motives are... Jenna was clearly a few screws loose but Turmoil seems perfectly sane yet she wants to be my "girlfriend". And that club, she spends too much time there and even has gone and used creeplings to aid her. Doesn't she know her family is a bad enough risk on my operations there without using creeplings? Even if it WAS Halloween, it is unacceptable. Tom isn't the only creepling with these concerns. I don't want another strike, not with the creeplings' numbers doing so well. I've used her for what I needed, and Tom is right in that I have ninjakats and creeplings to do any work I want done from her. Perhaps it is time to end this alliance with Turmoil, before she ends it first. Heh heh heh heh.
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