Rikti Dropship: Do Not Want!

Aug 06, 2007 07:09

So, the second Rikti invasion is still going strong in City of... right now, with the Rikti coming along in their great big dropships every few hours and carpetbombing a whole load of zones.

Back in the i10 beta, a group of heroes working together actually managed to take down a bunch of the ships (and you can see the video of that here). After they did this, the devs went, "Oh crap, you weren't supposed to be able to do that!" and tinkered with the ships, making them stronger and harder and generally more difficult to bring down.

Still, there's been plenty of talk about actually trying to take down these 'new and improved' dropships... and today we managed it!

...Yes, that does include me, even though my Mind/Kinetics Controller would have done more damage to the ship by simply hurling himself suicidally into its hull, and that's before you take the lag into account.

Here's a thread with some pictures of the event (before we went and pwned the dropship, there was a RP memorial for a character who had died in a Rikti attack the day before, which is what the first picture is about... and you can just about see me there too!), which is totally cool.

I took a couple of pictures myself, although between my computer and the lag they didn't turn out too brilliantly (and one of them got taken as I was plummeting dead from the sky after being hit with a Rikti Fusion Cannon or whatever those ships are equipped with), but they're below the cut if you're interested in my geeking out over this.

(Picture taken at the memorial service, by me. See if you can guess who I am.)

(The attack on the dropship.)

(Dropship go boom!)

...sorry, I'll go to bed now. Just wanted to brag.

rp, city of

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