Hi! My name's Mac and I'm helping my Mummy with this Blogathon thing that she's doing - along with my grumpy big sister Jelli.
Mummy says we're doing this Blogathon for something called the
PDSA, which helps people who have sick pets but don't have very much money. I don't like vets (whenever I go there they stick a needle in me, and one time they shaved my paw!), but I guess that it's good that the sick pets get looked after, because being sick is no fun at all.
So anyway, Mummy thought it would be a good idea if Jelli and me helped out by telling you about some of the strange movies Mummy watches sometimes (and she watches a lot of them!). Jelli says she did something similar last year, but I wasn't here then so I don't know. So Jelli and I are going to take turns, and I get to go first!
(Although I think that's because Jelli is lazy and doesn't want to get up off her cushion yet.)
This is a silly movie. It's all about some people who are soldiers or something, only some of them have gone kind of mad and started eating other people. They lock some of them up in a hospital but they get out anyway and start eating people. And then some of the people they only eat bits of start eating people too, and then they all run away and hide in a sewer (yuk!) but get caught and killed in some icky ways (one of them gets a big hole blown in his tummy, and you can see all the way through it! Icky!)
I don't understand why the people are going around eating other people, and when I asked Mummy she said she didn't know either. Hmph. That's kind of silly, because there should be a reason for people trying to eat other people. Even in the zombie movies Mummy watches there's a reason (I think it's because they're dead, but I don't think people really eat other people when they're dead...). Also, everyone acts really strange in the movie, like when a policeman finds another policeman eating a lady, and he doesn't start shouting and screaming and stuff like I'd think he'd do. He just sounds kind of sad.
Do people often just start eating other people? Maybe that's why they don't get all mad, just sad and slow.
Oh! Mummy just reminded me that I've got to tell you the first movie quote for her quiz too, so here it is:
“The only rules that matter are these: What a man can do and what a man can’t do.”