Access to Employment update

Jan 12, 2007 15:06

We appear to be hitting something of a snag.

Yesterday I called the number I'd been given for this college scheme that gets you NVQs while you do work experience and the like to enquire about doing an IT or web design course with them (or, at a pinch, some sort of admin course, although it would eat my brain). Got called back today, but by the sound of things they only do an IT and Business Administration course which is a) short and b) for regularly unemployed people with little or no skills. (They also wanted me to prove which A-levels and GCSEs I had, which I've not been asked since uni and mildly worries me, not least because after all the bloody moves I've done I don't know if I have the certificates any more. Time to go looking on wesites for replacements, methinks...)

So I'm too qualified/intelligent for most course, yet not qualified enough to do other things. Story of my life.

I also looked at the Stoke-on-Trent College website to see what NVQs they offer in general, and it's nearly all stuff like Brickwork, Plastering, Paining and Decorating and the like. It still boggles my mind that you can get a qualification in Call Centre Working, too. But overall very few of the courses were anywhere near suitable for me.

I think I've found my first large flaw in this whole 'Pathways to Work' thing.

The lady who called me today is apparently going to call back on Monday after talking to some people, so we'll see what's up then, but I admit that I'm not holding out too much hope for this avenue...

dwp, education, university, job, benefits

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