Nick's just alerted me to a couple of trolls on the wrestling message board of his website
here who disagreed with an article he wrote about Kane a few months ago. Now, I'm a Kane fan, but I'm also smart enough to realise that the guy's not the best wrestler in the world (that honour falls to Kurt Angle) and I'm not going to go ga-ga over him and flip out at anything negative said about him.
Obviously I'm in the minority. In fact, judging by the majority of the trolls that have turned up on Nick's message board, I'm also in the minority of wrestling fans who can read and write past a second grade level...
It also turns out that Nick got a whole load of hate mail when he wrote an article telling people about what it's really like in wrestling (and as a former shoot wrestler with a former painkiller addiction, he's got a pretty good handle on what happens). People simply didn't want to believe that their beloved staged-endings-but-real-moves sport could be anything but sure as the driven snow.
It makes me laugh.