Jan 24, 2006 11:59
I made a post yesterday evening... but lj ate it. And then I was too tired (and maybe a little frustrated, since it was quite a long one) to rewrite it all.
Been ill. Spent a lot of time in bed. Still ill. Want to be back in bed (it's cold and I'm still tired).
Got more BPAL stuff this morning. Bottles of Fallen (for Nick), Eris and Mercury, and 'frimps' of Incantation, Omen, Desdemona, Les Fleurs de Mal, Forbidden Fruit and Masabakes. Nick has already appropriated Omen.
Also got some new icons. Using one now.
Saw Kerry on Sunday. Gave her BPAL Christmas present. She gave me books she'd been looking after since I first came to uni (eight years!). These included a book on criminal investigative proceedures, Modern Mysteries of Britain and a very large book on the folklore of the British Isles. I am happy, as I'd forgotten that I even owned the latter two. Kerry also brought photos from long ago, which show me with a waistline and a definable chin. It's kind of scary.
More later, when fog clears from brain.