For anyone out there with a psephological bent, here are some links for information about tomorrow's Great Moment Of Democracy (Australian Federal Election 2007 is tomorrow, for those of you not living in the Lucky Country).
The ABC, as always, will have
coverage so comprehensive it may warp space and time. No word yet on whether or not the ABC budget has the money to have Antony Green's ears pinned back. Not just dry number crunching, either - there's the excellent
Club Bloggery series about the use of the intarwebs in this election build-up.
My new favourite pseph blog,
Possum Pollytics, gives equal measures of analysis and sledging. Fairly obvious pro-Labor bias. Poss has only sprung up recently, but has proven himself a capable and insightful commentator.
Then there's the two old stalwarts, William Bowe at
The Poll Bludger and Bryan Palmer at
the OzPolitics blog. Poor William is determined to liveblog/chatroom the election even if it kills him, which is looking more likely as the technical issues present themselves. Bryan has taken away user comments (there were some wonderful shitfights there previously) but still gives us the kind of poll interpretation we can only dream of from the professional press. A lot of people swear by
Mumble. Not my cup of tea, but that's a personal thing.
Then there's a lot of blogs that aren't necessarily analysis, but should be good for dissecting the results - or at least a good boisterous argument or three.
The Daily Flute has ripped into various pollsters.
The Stoushers have ripped into, well, everyone. As always, you can expect great discussion from the
Larva Rodeo. And my recommendation for a nice skeptical look at the whole thing is the madhouse over at
Club Troppo.
And just for shits and giggles, the AEC website will let you
practice voting. Because apparently at the last federal election, nearly 6% of voters couldn't handle the concept of numbering boxes in order.
Vote well, Aussies. Everyone else, you might not have to look at the little creep with the oversized eyebrows after tomorrow - although the guy who looks like a dentist might not be much of an improvement looks-wise.
[ETA: here's the
link to the 2007 Australian Federal Election page on Wikipedia, Infallible Source Of All Wisdom On All Things (Except Electronic Arts, the Australian Department Of Defence, And Elephants)]
Over 'n Out,
-- K.