(no subject)

Aug 13, 2004 13:41

Slow week. I can live with that. I, at least have more to do than stare at a wall. Despite how innately pretty the wall is. Which it very much is.

I have a weekend in front of me, and I havem't bothered to plan out a damn minute of it. A friend of mine is having an "Open house" which is like a housewarming party over the course of two days. Despite this being the "open house" of two of my closest friends, I am SO not going.

I'm not a social butterfly. Groups of more than four typically piss me off... I try to avoid parties and such whenever I can get away with it. Most of the people that know me in any way well will just simply accept a no, when it comes to inviting me to things.

Given the opportunity to interact with people, I'd rather deal with them one at a time, instead of being expected to join in this mass ofp eople who are, intrinsically only in one place to serve as a bolster to the ego of the people throwing such a gathering, to show that yes, they do have that many friends.

I'm not THAT willing to humor other people's egos.

There's also other things. I hate people's "party faces"... the demeanor they establish around crowds... armed with stories about which voyage of the Mayflower THEIR family was on. Stories about how drunk they got one night, or who they beat up the next. People at parties seem armed with the same story to tell every person they bump into... a quick anecdotal  pair of gloves to slap someone with, before moving onto their next victim,  with the pretense of looking busy and interesting.

So instead of curling up in the corner with a drink, I usually abstain from going.

I'm so bored right now, I think the idea of going fishing sounds fun. Yeah.

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