universe = black hole

Nov 15, 2005 08:50

Okay, this is how I thought the universe was created... *giggle* Picture particles at absolute zero. Completely immobile, by definition. They are just suspended in space because of the absense of gravity. Well... science has proven that space is expanding. So as space expanded the fibers of space that were holding them started moving them with it. Small as the momentum was eventually the dense cold particles gained momentum and the expansion of space went from kinetic energy to potential energy (for the particles) and back to kinetic energy (when one particle moved even the slightest bit in it's space fiber). Once this particle moved, that's all that was needed, it eventually bumped other particles near it. They became energetic and were either repelled from the moving particles or became part of the moving particles. Once there was enough mass in the fibers of space to do so, a hole was torn in it. A black hole was formed so to speak. In this black hole these particles are constantly creating the force of fusion and fission. Fusion because they are naturally polarized and attract one another and fission because the force of the black hole in which they 'suspended' is tearing them apart. Imagine, this would have to be a universe of matter and mass compressed into a pea size bundle, the force neccessary to have that sort a attraction is crazy but not...out of the realm of theory. Anyways, so in this black hole, this constant fusion and fission creates energy exponentially and itself begins to expand the substance of space which composes the black hole. This ultimate source of energy is "GOD". The energy itself has substance and a particular characteristic which is too polarized so small masses of positive and negative energy start forming. 'orbs'
So the 'source' created the 'positive' and 'negative' and is above it all. Consciousness perhaps evolved as an elemental characteristic of the orbs... self preservation. Even a little Na atom wants to gain the electrons needed to be stable. Perhaps even these positive and negative energy orbs were the beginings of matter and antimatter. They obviously cannot come incontact with eachother or they would obliterate themselves. So then, with this assumption we are the grandchildren of matterial energy, created from polarization, and therefore accounting for some form of it in all things. Not magnetically neccessarily, but in terms of opposition. The source separates matter and antimatter by its force and where the two touch simply create more fission. Outside the black hole, there is still nothingness... because it is expanding with the particles that didn't make the substance that created the hole in the first place.

Therefore universe=black hole *bows* DUH
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