Claim an Anakin and suggest a pairing if you wish and you will get a short ficlet. As an Anakin is claimed he will be crossed off the list.
Dark Jedi!Anakin with Obi-Wan
I Am The Master Here for
I Wanna Be Close to Them for
major_sheppardHyper!Anakin with Catsma for
[pick your own (sexy)]!Anakin for
Daddy's Lonly for
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He watched as she walked away from the balcony and headed towards the ‘fresher to get washed up. He’d not bother her. Not yet. Eventually she came out in that purple gown that he’d always loved. It made her look even more beautiful. Watching her he heard her give a sigh. As if life was bearing down on her shoulders and it probably was. After all, she was Naboo’s Senator. And it had been a good three or more months since she’d last seen him.
From where he was hiding he could see her lay down in bed and curl up closing her eyes. She’d not even bothered covering herself. Once he realized that she was fast asleep he quietly changed into a pair of sleep pants and silently climbed into bed, laying beside her and wrapping an arm gently around her waist.
Come morning he heard a startled yelp but didn’t open his eyes. Not yet. He waited a couple moments longer when he knew she wasn’t watching him. "Good morning my angel."
Another yelp. "Anakin! You startled me."
He merely gives her a smile and kisses her softly. "That wasn’t my intentions m’lady."
"Don’t you ever sneak up on me like that again!"
"As you wish m’lady." He states giving her a smile and kissing her again before pulling her close.
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