Claim an Anakin and suggest a pairing if you wish and you will get a short ficlet. As an Anakin is claimed he will be crossed off the list.
Dark Jedi!Anakin with Obi-Wan
I Am The Master Here for
I Wanna Be Close to Them for
major_sheppardHyper!Anakin with Catsma for
[pick your own (sexy)]!Anakin for
Daddy's Lonly for
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Sighing he heads off towards their shared quarters then thinks better of it because he doesn’t want to be in there without Obi-Wan there. He turns and heads to the Room of a Thousand Fountains.
“He’s holding you back, Anakin. They all are.”
He scowls at the voice in his head and shakes his head to clear it. This was… just wasn’t right. He wasn’t going crazy so he would just ignore the voice that he’d just heard.
“Obi-Wan asked for the mission. All because he doesn’t love you.”
“That’s not true. He does love me. So don’t you even say that.” Although, he shouldn’t really be listening to the voice. It was lying to him. Trying to put doubt into his heart.
“No he doesn’t. The Jedi Master could care less about you. He doesn’t love you.”
The young Jedi ran out of the room and went straight to his and Obi-Wan’s room with every intention to contact his Master. To make sure the voice was lying to him.
Thanks. :)
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