Shaking my wee fists at Karma.

Dec 29, 2006 10:11

All that sick that was going around my office? That seemed to magically avoid me? That hit The Mister Big Time a few weeks ago but still didn't manage to even give me a glancing blow?


Well. I'll just stop laughing in the face of the Winter Crud now because I have become Phlegm Incarnate.

It didn't help that Niece #1 decided to cough directly into my mouth while we were re-enacting various highlights from the vaunted histories of the WWF. It didn't help that I spent two nights either freezing or roasting in the farmhouse while being coughed and talked on by the MIL.

It most certainly didn't help to stay up until three o'clock in the a-ya!-em with our Country Mouse friends (but the awesome, awesome sangria Mrs. Country Mouse makes is sooo worth it. And the salmon & capers, and cherries & ricotta crepes the next day that I scarfed down between Barry White impressions were also worth all my misery.).

I spent all of yesterday, what was supposed to be my first day back after being off for a scant two days, high as a kite on the leftover hydrocodone cough syrup I got at the Doc-in-a-box a couple years ago (you know, the stuff I used right before going to work at my gubbament job all those years and miles ago when everyone sent me home 'cause I was high and silly for half the day).

Today I'm at work scrambling to play catchup and still sounding rough and gruff, though not like Barry White anymore. Which was awesome, but very disturbing.

And yes, I was That Person on the plane that freaks everyone else out with all my futilely suppressed full-body wracking coughs and nervous-making throat clearings.

And The Mister is about forty-eight hours behind on me in the progression of The Ick of Ought Six. Poor guy. He's working his last day today out of a sense of duty. A part of me hopes he's breathing on all those bastards' keyboards as he makes his rounds to say g'bye. Well, they're not really bad people... just... not well organized people. And in forty-eight hours, they'll be unorganized and sick as dogs. MUA HA HA HA.


Er, I mean. Peace and joy to all. Love is all around. Good will and happiness and puppies and sunshine!

the mister, health, body horror, back east

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