A friend of mine celebrated her birthday yesterday by hosting High Tea at her house.
I drank oh so much tea yesterday (genmacha, Earl Grey, Moroccan mint, lapsang souchong) and consumed oh so, so many treats (chocolate caramel raspberry cake, bacon quiche, blueberry scone, donut muffin (you heard me right: a muffin that tasted like a donut), banana coconut muffin, cucumber sandwiches, little... molten chocolate cake... thingies... and.. um... huh. Lost some steam there. Oh! Lemon basil sorbet, and... yeah.) There was a lot of tea and food is what I'm saying.
Then afterward, I dropped by another friend's house for a "Ladies' Happy Hour" get together. Her idea of "just some snacks" turned out to be a three course Moroccan meal (of which I sadly could not take part in on account of being stuffed with tea and cake).
I had a really fantastic time and came to some rather obvious conclusions:
1) Eating good food with good people is good times.
2) I have a lot of really awesome friends who have really awesome friends.
3) I am still an extrovert at heart, even though much effort has been made to make myself an innie rather than an outie. Why am I doing this? All that poking is just annoying and kinda hurts.
4) I should never, ever, ever ever ever drink caffeinated beverages after 4:00 pm. Ever.
The upshot of yesterday's lovely excesses is that I am a tired, wired, mired little monkey today. I mainlined some of the (not really very good at all, but serviceable) coffee we have at work to ameliorate the hours of insomnia I've been accruing all week, so now I'm also jittery on top of being exhausted.
And somehow I managed to not realize that by being the driver of our Hood to Coast relay race van, I will be driving from about 9:00 pm to 1:00 am; sleeping in a field; driving from 7:00 am until 11:00 am, and then driving back from the coast on Saturday, only to try to join up with some other friends for a Bollywood themed birthday party two days from now.
And somewhere over the next six days or so I need to design and knit a muppet scarf (oh and a birthday present of undetermined scale/design/utility). Because... I... hate myself? I'm not sure what's going on . I think I visualized The Summer as this big empty plate, and I started to pile things on to that plate from the Smorgasbord of Things to Do, but I wasn't really all that hungry and kept pushing all the stuff around on my plate onto one side and now that my badly selected metaphor is running out I have all this mishmash of things to get through (on that, um, shrinking plate of, er... stinky lutefisk or... something.)
And maybe it's all the drugs talking (and by drugs I mean caffeine because I am a light weight, as y'all already know) but instead of panicking I just feel really ALIVE at the moment.
I'm sure that will change the minute I get home and actually stop to take a breath (right before I keel over into an aggressive nap).
Yeah, it will look something like this.
edited to add: but that spontaneous nappage won't happen until after I make a showing as bike team captain... at a bar, with beer... how does the saying go? "Coffee before beer, never fear; but if there is also lack of sleep, you'd better eat"?