I live!

Feb 24, 2005 15:42

Long time no good post, eh?

Anyways, I've been real busy with life lately and haven't really had the time to make anything or post in LJ.  Why?  School and my social life has been taking up most of my time, oh, and not to mention my new boyfriend.  Him and I have been hanging out a lot after school and I usually don't get home until around 7pm.  Today, though, I wasn't feeling too good this morning and so I stayed home and yet I still didn't do anything graphic oriented!?  Something must be wrong with me!  I am going to try and work on some character guides for meh novel so I can get a general idea about a few things.  I do hope to go to school tomorrow, though, and hopefully see 'Cursed' with my boyfriend. Yay!

Do expect some new icons and such to appear, most likely comic-oriented!
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