Rants And Surprises

May 18, 2010 15:26

Yeah, its time for another rant. I really can't stand how the government has been taking things lately, and this is the easiest way to get things out and make myself feel better. The whole post isn't a rant on the government though, so that's a good thing at least.

There are times when I wish that things will start to go better for my family, hell even Michigan and the whole country in general. Then, I start to remember that even though I want things to get better as well as hundreds of other people; I know that change takes quite a long amount of time. It is that amount of time that is one of the hardest things because when you have to live through that....it just makes everything look different. Sometimes, one can't help but to break down because they start to realize that even through their best efforts they're going to be in just as deep of a hole as everyone else in the country is. When it comes to that happening, it really is hard to see. Truly its not the fault of the citizens that things have turned out so horrible, we wouldn't have been that bad if there actually were people in the government that weren't as corrupt as many of them are today, but that won't happen.

Seriously, I find that a good lot of politicians are morally corrupt or just corrupt in the sense of being. When in the hell is that going to change without creating an aftershock that would be in no doubt devastating to the country? I'm waiting to see this actually occur.

Fuck, I do wish that things in Michigan would go a bit better because with how bad things are here several things are being cut out of schools, things that should have been able to stay. Things have seriously went sour since the millennium hit, and I'm not the only one to notice that. Its not that the change in years was what changed everything, it was everything that happened within the past decade that created something that will take an extreme amount of effort and patience to work our way through it and persevere. I'm not sure if this is going to happen, but apparently the government wants to weigh kids and if they're overweight, there will be repercussions for it. What the hell man? People should go and turn that around, deciding that we should have the politicians being weighed. I know for a fact that there will be something interesting to watch then.

Che, I'm going to stop ranting about what I don't like about the government because I can just keep going and going when it comes to that. Something interesting happened just a little while ago. Surprisingly, that last grade that I was waiting for was posted finally. I mean, what the hell, taking over two weeks to get that up when there was a definite change in my grade on the class website not even a week and a half ago? Why not just change things then? Ugh, I'm just glad that it was posted because now that it is, the GPA that I need to be able to transfer to Oakland has been reached. I knew that it would, I just needed that last grade to up my GPA up enough for it to be where I want it at. Amusingly enough, my GPA for that semester is almost a 3.2, which makes me feel really good. I knew that I would be able to get the grades that I wanted once I broke free from the migraines and the medications that ruled my life for the last five years.

I do have a long rode ahead of me, but at least this existing obstacle is behind me now. That is enough to make me feel better, even for today. I know now that I'll be able to leave Eastern with a smile on my face because I will be heading to a place where I can actually move forward. I'm fucking ecstatic knowing that I won't have to deal with Eastern for another year. I basically went through my days there just trying to get to a vacation, but now that I don't have to go there next year, hopefully I'll be able to start on the studies that will go towards the major that I really want to go for.

This is one checkpoint down that I've cleared, and I have quite a few left before I can actually become a nurse. At least I know that I can get there, even if it will take a while for me to do so. I definitely have the drive to get me where I want to be, I just need to be patient enough to do so. Now, I just have to wait until July for the transfer open house at Oakland, then I'll be on my way to getting things done. One thing that I'm going to remember about books this year is that I'm just going to get them all from Chegg. It's going to be a lot cheaper for me to do things this way, and I'll be able to use that money towards something else. Hell, depending upon what I do get from them, I could use some of the money towards a new computer. I won't know about that until sometime in July though. Hopefully, I'll be able to get one though!

For now, I'm going to celebrate this victory with some ice cream. I do deserve it after all.

-Corrupted Innocence

annoyed, cranky, somewhat bitchy, happy, dorky, awake, cynical, driven, sore, irritable, okay, nostalgic, ecstatic, refreshed, pessimistic, cold, moody, giddy, devious, bouncy, giggly

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