Apr 29, 2010 22:15
I'd rather not have to deal with the almost constant back pain that has been bugging me for the past week. A little pain now and then isn't bad, but the sharp, really nagging pain that doesn't want to go away is something that I'd like to have disappear. Its effecting most of the things that I can usually get finished within the day, and that's something that's not fun to deal with any time. I really would like to continue working on the several chapters of different fanfics that I have left to finish, but I can only seem to do so after I've taken ibuprofen and its kicked in, and the downside to that is when it comes to me and ibuprofen, it wears off a lot sooner than it should. My pain medication tolerance is pretty high, and as to how long normal painkillers can last varies depending upon what I take. I'm going to try to get into the chiropractor as soon as I can because I'm not the only one that's been in pain. My mom's having trouble with her hip popping in and out of place and her neck, so I have a feeling that I'll be there in a rather short amount of time.
I can't really believe how much I've changed when it comes to my grades now that I've been migraine free for almost four months. It helped dramatically that I was rid of them during the first month of last semester because it gave me the time to actually study and the drive to seriously step things up. Because I had so much time freed up from not having to worry about causing myself to have a migraine, not suffering from one, or not feeling all that well in general; I had ample time to make sure that I kept up with everything and kept my grades up. It worked too because I came out with a 3.05 GPA for the semester, and that doesn't even include my last class.
Ahaha, don't get me started with that damn class. So many things have gone wrong during the semester, and it doesn't surprise me that the grading for finals went screwy too. Grades were supposed to be submitted by 17:00 on Tuesday, and I basically sat up all night waiting for them to trickle in. It figures that even though I went and took melatonin then drank a large cup of chamomile tea before trying to go to bed that I couldn't sleep. I was probably too aggravated to really sleep, and it was the same way yesterday too. At least I managed to get to sleep a little bit after one this morning. I'm still a bit annoyed at the fact that I don't have a grade for that class yet, but I can attribute the absolute slowness that is the grades being posted for that class to the fact that records have to process them because the professor is still in the hospital. That doesn't make me any less impatient for them, and I'll continue to be impatient until I see the grade with my own two eyes.
On another note, because of the fact that I know damn well that I will have that 2.5 GPA overall and I'll at least have a 3.1 GPA for the last semester, I'm going to definitely get a little extra add on to the laptop that I'm planning to get over the summer. It will make it a bit easier to work with, plus I'm due for an upgrade computer wise anyways. this one will have its use at my house, especially because the wifi is still going strong. In a way both me and my family win when it comes to that. I get myself a new computer, and there would be another computer in the house for anyone to use. It would be a real treat to actually have my grade back some time tomorrow, especially because its the end of the month. Crap, that means May is coming fast.
That reminds me, I have to actually go to Jury Duty on the twelfth, and I'm hoping that I don't get picked. If I do, I do and that's that. It just depends on the luck of the draw I guess. At least I don't have to worry about wearing a skirt or anything because I'm not a fan of them. I'll wear them when I have to, but give me a pair of slacks or jeans any day. I prefer them over a skirt, and I'd rather be in flats over high heels. Though, now that I think about it--I do need to learn how to walk in heels. Hm, that's something else to think about doing over the summer. At least when it comes to that and actually doing it, I could go for a heeled pair of boots for the fall. God, do I love some of the designs that come with heeled boots too. Aw hell, I'm dulling a bit when it comes to some of my tomboy tendencies, but I still do have the strongest of them sticking with me. I'm actually liking the idea of shopping now, and that surprises me. Che, everyone changes, but this is going to take some time getting used to.
Speaking of changes, since I will have the GPA to be able to transfer to Oakland, I'm going to apply as soon as I'm able to. That will most likely be during the transfer open house. I get to take a tour of the campus and have my transcripts looked over right then and there. It also depends on if I actually do have everything paid off at Eastern by that time, and I hope that I will be able to do that. Its going to be a while before I can actually apply there, but when I do I'm going to make damn well sure that I try my hardest to get into the Nursing School there. I know for a fact that I can do the work, its just the matter of actually getting there. It figures it takes me two years to straighten things out with both school and my health, but now that I have I want to continue with the idea of becoming a nurse. It probably helps me a bit that I was pushed away from being a teacher with the hellish semester I had in my English 300W class too. I need to do so many things over the summer, and I'm just getting started. Hopefully it'll be worked out soon.
-Corrupted Innocence