Dreary Skies Slow the Flow of Time

Apr 13, 2010 12:27

Thankfully this week is almost half over with. I only have one more regular class when it comes to my English 300W class, and that's something that I'm ecstatic about. Let me just say this. I will not take a poetry class with this teacher if she ever were to teach one. I basically kept shooting comments to everything she was saying about the poems that we were going over because I thought differently for everything for the most part. What pissed me off then was that she kept saying that no, the poems are supposed to be read this way not that way. What the hell is going on in her head? Poetry can be read several different ways, especially if you read it more than once. For really good poems you can normally get at least four different interpretations out of it, but with what my professor kept saying, there was only one way to really read it. I even called her out on that, but she simply said that she didn't mean to shoot down anyone's interpretation of a particular poem. Che, like hell you didn't. I can't wait until this week is over because I do not want to go back to that class. I think it was a bad idea for me to even switch my major, but I had to. I couldn't just go and work through science classes while I was dealing with a raging migraine and doped up on some odd painkiller for it.

This hasn't been an all that bad day for me like I thought it would be. I didn't fall asleep until almost two this morning and I still woke up fairly easily. It took my alarm clock going off for me to actually wake up enough to get dressed, but still. I didn't have to lie in bed for a few minutes so that I could shake off the drowsiness that normally clings to me in the morning, so I had more time to grab a bite to eat. Even then I didn't notice that it was raining until I glanced outside. I must of had slept through the night after the melatonin I took kicked in because I didn't hear a thing. Its rather amusing to me that I normally had a problem with insomnia when I was on the different migraine medications that I had to take over the years, but now that I'm off of them I can easily fall asleep when I either take melatonin or drink a cup of chamomile tea. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I still was on any of those medications, so for that I'm thankful that I'm not. I like to actually sleep through the night without having to stare up at the ceiling wondering when the hell I would actually get tired enough to sleep.

It may be only eleven at the moment, but I feel like its already four in the afternoon. Its been raining off and on all day, and that was one of the biggest reasons why I didn't feel like getting out of bed when my alarm clock went off. For days like this it is normally rather hard to wake me up, and today wasn't any different. I had to get up however, so its put me in a bit of a bad mood. To help me get into a bit of a better mood I've been drinking a Pepsi all morning, and I'm most likely going to switch to tea when I get back to my dorm. Speaking of tea, I think I might go and buy an iced tea since I don't have any. Pop can only go for so long before you start to get tired of it. I'm going to finish this pop first, then I'll decide whether I'll have a brisk iced tea or lemonade with lunch. I probably won't know until I get to the Eateries, but its something that I can think about now.

Hm, now that's interesting. Today's supposed to be the only rainy and dreary day for the next ten days. The rest of the week is supposed to be either really sunny or having sun and clouds. The temperatures are supposed to be rather nice too which will be good to actually walk around campus. That or to go to the rec and work out for a bit. I don't think that I'll actually go and swim, instead I'll just work out in the work out room for a while. I'm not really in the mood to swim this week for some reason. It might be because I don't want t wear myself out more than I'm going to be after I finish whatever homework I have at the end of the day so I'm going to save myself some of the trouble. while wearing yourself out after a good workout is good, I don't want to completely exhaust myself. Its just something that will eventually help me to sleep so I'll deal with it as it comes to me.

My last class should be pretty interesting. My professor has had a few problems at home that have come up and had the class canceled for a day a couple times in the past weeks, and now that she can actually come to class without anything happening she's going to be bringing in some sort of snack to class. We have no idea what it is, but it will be interesting enough to focus on talking about poetry while our minds will be on eating whatever she brought us. Now this is a class that I'll be sad to leave. I love this class, and I'll easily recommend my professor again to anyone. She's just easy to work with in general and makes the class fun. For now I need to get to the Eateries, I'm pretty hungry.

-Corrupted Innocence

mellow, annoyed, determined, hopeful, contemplative, refreshed, calm, awake, grateful, thoughtful, thankful

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