[seventh] [voice]

Jun 12, 2009 22:06

[The sound of something being slammed. Fists against a table, perhaps.]

...Damn it.

Filtered from Yubel )

this won't end well, izza typhoon oh noes, yubel, i has a trubble

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[Private to Judai//very very VERY unhackable] fond_arrogance June 13 2009, 17:52:26 UTC
Judai! You can't!!
You cannot go out there alone!

I- who is she?!
What is your connection, I- darn it! Fubuki-nii-san could have told me about that!

You idiot!
Don't dare to get your self killed! Take me with you!!


[Private to Manjyome] darkinternecion June 13 2009, 20:08:29 UTC
I have to. She's my responsibility.

And I can't take you. If she sees me with anyone else, regardless of who it is, she'll just try to hurt them. I can't risk her doing that to you or anyone else.


[Private to Judai//unhackable] fond_arrogance June 13 2009, 20:21:08 UTC
Judai! You cannot sacrifice yourself!
If you think about staying away from home because of this, I telly you that I will not let this happen!

I'm older than you! I've been longer here than you've been!
If she's your responsibility then you are mine!

Don't you dare to not come back, Judai!

You always told me you'd hurt me, too, when you appeared here! And you didn't!


[Private to Manjyome//unhackable] darkinternecion June 13 2009, 20:29:43 UTC

If I bring her back with me, she'll try to destroy all of you. I have to figure out what to do with her before I go back...

...It may turn out that I can't go back, though; that I have to stay with her. As much as I don't want to... if it means she's kept in check, then I have no choice.

I'm sorry, but... now that she's here, I'm the only one who can really make a difference in what she does. She's stronger than I am; she could easily overpower me and kill anyone who can't immediately defend themselves here if she wanted to.


[Private to Judai//unhackable] fond_arrogance June 13 2009, 20:34:32 UTC
Yuuki Judai! Stop talking rubbish!

Don't say that she's stronger than you ever again!
Don't worry about the others, worry about yourself first! You can keep her in control if you want to!

And you don't honestly believe I'll just sit around and wait for your possible return?!
I'd rather die than having you get into trouble like this!!


[Private to Manjyome//unhackable] darkinternecion June 13 2009, 20:49:37 UTC
Manjyome, you idiot! She's not going to hurt me! But if I were to try and control her forcibly, it'd probably end badly on my end!

Look, you're gonna have to, okay?! This is trouble that I caused all on my own, long before I even met you.

I'm sorry, really... I'm sorry any of this had to happen. But it's my problem and it's time I did something to fix it, more than I've been doing. It won't just disappear if I pretend it isn't there. She'll keep coming back if I do, and she'll keep threatening everyone around me until there isn't anyone left. I can't have that happen...


[Private to Judai//unhackable] fond_arrogance June 13 2009, 20:58:51 UTC
Stop with your apologizing already again!!
It is not your fault she appeared! Nobody is responsible for that!

I don't want you to pretend she's not there but ... I don't want you to go alone!
Who knows what could happen to you? Maybe there are other creatures out there out of sudden who will attack you!

And don't call me an idiot, you idiot!

[a rather long pause]

Just ... promise me one thing ...

Come back.
Come back in three weeks at the latest.
Or I will indeed come and get you, I swear!


[Private to Manjyome//unhackable] darkinternecion June 13 2009, 21:04:47 UTC
You have no idea... I know I can defend myself... to some extent, I guess. And if not... Yubel wouldn't let anything attack me, either.

I... I'll try. I'll see what I can work out, and I'll do it as fast as I can. I just don't know how I can work it out at this point...

((OOC: Strikes not there. :>))


[Private to Judai//unhackable] fond_arrogance June 13 2009, 21:11:05 UTC
You don't go to try. You go to succeed.
Remember that.

Good luck ...
Just come back safely, baka!

((ooc: not there either~ =D))


[Private to Manjyome//unhackable] darkinternecion June 13 2009, 21:12:54 UTC
...Heh. Thanks, Manjyome.


[Private to Judai//unhackable] fond_arrogance June 13 2009, 21:14:16 UTC
You can thank me in person after you got back, idiot.
Just make sure you will.


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