Jul 11, 2010 23:20
Because my family is back from Ibiza things have taken a turn to the bizarre at the Lennox household.
My brother basically came back and decided that the way to make up for being separated from his toys for a whole fortnight was turning the living room floor into some kind of obstacle course. There are Bionicles to the left, and Star Wars toys to the right and all over the place are tiny bits of lego which hurt like a bitch when they dig into your heel. It is a truly awe inspiring spectacle, but it's also extremely annoying.
The other day I got seriously annoyed with it and everyone's constant need for noise. There are six of us, so I suppose it's difficult but it really does my head in, especially after two weeks of quiet.
So, this happened while I was trying to read the other day:
PAUL (my brother): Crash! Crash! Wallop! TAKE THAT, RED BIONICLE. HAHAHAHAHA.
ME: Oh my gosh, please be quiet.
PAUL: *hits toys together, throws a Lego helicopter in my general direction and laughs maniacally the whole time*
ME: *flouncing towards the kitchen* I hate you all! Go back to Ibiza! I need a cup of tea!
MUM: And a Valium?
ME: *glaring* I hate you all.
MUM & DAD: *laugh in unison*
ME: No, really, I hate you all and sometimes I have very nice dreams were I don't live here. Sometimes, you are dead.
DAD: *lifts a pineapple, threateningly* I will hit you with this.
ME: Go on. Make my day.
AND THEN HE HIT ME WITH A PINEAPPLE. It was the strangest thing and when I told my friend she didn't believe me.
(Also, as embarrassed as I am to admit it I really am as dramatic as I make myself out to be. And I think it probably seems really mean out of context, but in my family it is basically a free-for-all and everybody mercilessly mocks each other. Hence, my incredibly thick skin with regards to most things.)
I've also begun working on a new novel (original). It is not going at a great rate, but I like the world and the characters are intriguing and right now it is my baby and I spend a lot of time daydreaming about events that will happen or did happen and how the characters reacted etc to get a better handle of them.
Additionally, in the past couple of days I have read a ridiculous amount of novels. I will probably post about them because I loved all of them and I want people to read them (FEED BY MIRA GRANT. OH MY GOSH, FEED BY MIRA GRANT <333). So, yet again, I have been kind of avoiding the Internet which means I am behind on my f-list and all that. It seems insurmountable right about now, which is probably because I am tired.
my family the loons