i don't have time for dancing. that's just gonna have to wait a while.

May 26, 2010 13:23

iTunes was being a complete dick during the week and so far the only media player I've found bar iTunes that I like is MediaMonkey. It's actually better than iTunes, I think, and because my iPod only syncs with my computer really and not the laptop I uninstalled it. But--and this is really sad--it annoys me that MediaMonkey doesn't scrobble with last.fm. Like, it really, really annoys me because I like keeping track of what I listen to! It's pathetic but I had a D: face for about an hour.

Then I realised I could listen to Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez and it wouldn't scrobble. Momentarily happy but then I realised HAHA, I actually really like the songs? (Okay, so I only have one by each but PFFT.) Also, I refuse to be embarrassed by any of the music I listen to, so *shrugs*.

I'm really into Broadway and musicals right now. I love them anyway, always have, but every now and again I go off them but exams are upon me and I've been playing them while I revise. I forgot how much I love Chicago <3333. It makes me want to hunt down the DVD--I remember the Cell Block Tango being flipping amazing in the movie. Also, I admit it, Kurt singing "Rose's Turn" on Glee made me bounce about in my seat and clap my hands and then try and find my copy of Gypsy.

Speaking of,

Okay, so I know there's a lot of talk about how the back nine haven't been as good. Maybe I just have really low standards but I've really enjoyed them! I mean, Home was a bit all over the place (as much as I love Cheno they really should have cut her and Matt's duet off way before they did) and there have been things I have had some issues with but it's Glee. I feel like a bad fun for not taking it that seriously but I don't. It's singing and dancing and if there's a plot good! But if not mostly I just there and go OH MY GOSH, LISTEN TO THE PRETTY PRETTY VOICES <333.

That said, I do generally like the plots. Even the ones that aren't handle absolutely fantastically--when I think about it the resolution to the Shelby/Rachel storyline is a bit naff because they basically handled the entire storyline within thirty minutes total but at the time I didn't really care. I was too busy going IDINA I LOVE YOU, SING SOME MORE. EVEN IF YOU SING INAPPROPRIATE SONGS TO YOUR DAUGHTER, IDGAF. Um, sensing a pattern?

The emotional parts of the back nine have really hit me hard. I think I'm a mess of hormones lately though and I don't know why. I have cried at basically every show I watch lately (bar things like TBBT and HIMYM and stuff) but they've been really getting to me. This week with the Kurt/Finn/Burt thing I was a sobbing mess. It hit a bit close to home, admittedly.

I read something about people thinking that it was OOC for Finn and, I don't know, I think it is slightly at odds with the person we've seen before but I make allowances for the supposed OOCness (not, I should say, for the action itself) for the fact that Finn is supposed to be sixteen and he's had those dicks laying into him about being on Glee. And, yeah, as much as I love and adore Kurt (and I love him so much, Chris Colfer, bb, you're adorable and a really good actor) I can see where his crush and the way he's been dealing with it could get to him. But at the same time, the moment Finn started in on his tirade my jaw has hanging open and I was like, "NO, FINN, HON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" It is never, ever okay to resort to using words like "faggy" and to tell someone to stop flaunting their sexuality, basically, because you're angry and upset. Never okay. I was really glad that Finn got called on it because I feel it's bringing that issue to people's attention and it is definitely something that needs to be brought to people's attention, judging by the wank I've already seen. I do see why Finn was angry and upset and, yeah, even uncomfortable around Kurt because it is perfectly normally to be uncomfortable around someone who has a crush on you which you don't reciprocate. We have all been there. But it is not okay to resort to homophobic language. Ever. /rant

Corey and Chris were both really, really good in that scene but Mike O'Malley owned it. I've not seen much else with him in it but I think I will have to because he owned that scene. I adored it. I love Kurt and Burt's relationship. It's realistic and moving without being overly sentimental and I would watch the Kurt-and-Burt show, I really would. I quite liked the resolution of the storyline as well--I paused the show to laugh like a hyena when the camera panned up to show Finn in that dress. Just...oh my word. Finn, you're adorable and misguided and I don't even know how to put in words how much I adore you <3.

The performances were good! I didn't really like Bad Romance, tbh, but it was so much fun to watch. Dianna HOW YOU SO PRETTY? And Naya! Naya was so fierce. I love her voice, my gosh--sing always, Naya! Just not "The Boy is Mine" kind of song--LAP and this was amazing. Brittany looked adorable and I continue to have a mad crush on HeMo. Tina! My word, singing and talking and having a plotline? REALLY? Four for you, writers. I nearly wet myself laughing at the scene where she pretended to be a vampire.

"Shout it Out Loud" topped Bad Romance for me. It was fantastic and I loved it. I'm a bit irritated that the girls can get into the song and dance and have fun watching the boys but they seem to be a bit up themselves when the girls sing and dance, really, but the girls were so cute dancing away. "Beth" was pretty fantastic, too--I love Mark Salling and his voice. He should sing more often, too.

Other things!
+ Rachel, Quinn and Mercedes going spying. I totally want fic where they do that a lot.
+ Vocal Adrenaline. I loved that they were wearing metal underwear and Shelby told them not to bitch it was kind of awesome.
+ Where did Jesse go? I really like Jesse's character but it's so weird that he randomly disappears--I half expected him to be one of the VA dancers and was a bit disappointed when he wasn't. That would have been awesome drama.
+ Lea Michele looked really pretty. I love all the faces she pulls and am consistently jealous of her hair.
+ Amber's hair was gorgeous too! ESPECIALLY WITH GAGA. <3

I think that's it. Wow, wall o' text.


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