Mar 27, 2008 21:56

So I was paying my phone bill and I saw that Verizon was having a special 2 day sale. I have been eyeing the LG Chocolate for some time.

I like the clean lines when it is closed, the fact that it can double as an Mp3 player (great for when i move and bike and MARTA around ATL), and the color selection. Also I have been able to upgrade for a couple months now, but even so it was still going to run me $100 to get one. But with this sale it was free!! This even includes shipping! SO I got it. I'm excited. I have hated my phone for some time now it doesn't charge for crap and look pretty rough. I have thought about changing providers, but Verizon has been good with me and I always have reception anywhere I am. SO WOOOTT!!! ROAARRR!!!!

OH I left 2 things off my To DO list... 2 civil war era corsets.
HAve I started the Orange costume? NOPE! However i finished a costume for Jazz (not on the list) and made her new brown 2 piece costume (not on the list). But Jazz has a running tab with me and always brings me "spending money" when i go out of town. So I treat her right. It;s not like Zoe has paid me for the costume at ALL. and she owes me $150 on a costume she bought from me. But I intend on getting it done anyways. I'm just avoiding it!

OK off to work!

work, phone, lg

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