Jun 06, 2005 13:28
The gentle sound of babbling watter laps against the shore, and my feet.
This is my spot.
To my left there is 4 male bull frogs scerenating a lone female in a quartet of spring, while birds chirp over head and rustling in the folliage across the river implies soemthing larger.. perhaps a deer. A little ways up the river to my left, where the frogs woe their women, there is an island in the middle of the river. It illustrates the beauty of nature when it is let alone, for there is trees reaching high into the sky with virtually no undergrowth thanks to a fire that I'd guess occured in the past fifty years. All that lies within the shade of these towering trees is grass that stands nearly four feet tall, waving passionatly in cool moist breeze carried up the river. The grass is all of equal height, as if someone came along and used a mower with a 4ft setting... but this is a place where only God gardens. Across the river there is this same grass also swaying back and forth, rustling in the wind. I read my bible... I am surrounded the the amazing perfect beauty of the Lord Almighty, indulging in His Word. It is a beautiful moment.
I return to my car.
Here I sit on my hood watching a storm front moving in. There is a very wide field that layes before me allowing to see far far off to the horizon line, and scattered between my left and infront of me is 5 giant clouds with their towering anvil heads. It is getting dark now and the clouds are hard to see, but nearly ever 30 seconds great bolts of lighting erupt from the earth and reach into the highest peaks of these clouds, illuminating them as if they were massive christmas tree ornaments. Their shadows invert, areas that were once dark are now the brightest parts of the cloud, making it seem as if it were a negative of reality. Nearly 25 seconds later I can barely hear their low thunder. Laid before me is yet another symphony of praise as the very world around us sings out to the Almighty.
Lets face it, watching this is far superior to any cheesy lazar show created by man.
The air is filled with the sweetness of humididty and I lay back on my car's hood and stare into the endless sky above. I'm far enough away from Kankakee that there are many stars to be seen. Draco slithers about the dippers, safe from Orion's arrow, for the great hunter is elsewhere in the night sky for now. Periodic high flying planes make their way across the sky wiht their blinking lights and seem significant from my point of view... but is shortly omited by the realization that they are meaningless incomparison to what inhabits the rest of my view at the moment. God truly is an artist, a composer, and the Almighty.
thank you Father for letting me be in your audience.