[Sakumoto drabble]: Staying Never Sounded Better... Or Worse.

Sep 15, 2015 00:24

Pairing: Sakumoto
Rating: General
Word Count: 683 words
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: Purely a figment of my imagination; the drabble, not them of course. :)
Summary: PazuDora universe.  Standalone Chibi sakumoto drabble in the same 'verse as Face, Myself, but can be read by itself.
Author's note: Been too long away from writing, and hopefully something to get me back in the driving seat.  A short one, but not intending for a chaptered piece, but one never knows.  This was inspired by xdestroying's tumblr post on OTP fic ideas / prompts (#14: "Hey, I'm always with you okay?  Always.")  For now, apologies for the angst, but hope you can still enjoy it.  As always, comments are love.


Jun had just picked up his share of cafeteria lunch rations before he headed to their usual table.  Only where there usually sat four others, there was now just one.  Sho’s plate was littered with scraps of food that he hadn’t finished, which was rather surprising.   Cos even after six months of joining the training camp, Jun’s stomach still couldn’t always quite hold down the meals set out for the junior cadets, something the older cadet normally had no problem.  Not today though, it would seem.

“Sho-kun,” Jun said with a light poke at his senior.  Only Sho seemed to take an unusually long time to respond, and when he did throw a look Jun’s way, it left Jun feeling like he was under intense scrutiny.  It made him wonder if…  Jun purposefully stopped that train of thought before it could runaway with itself.  “Sho-kun, are y-“

“Why did you send the others away, Matsumoto-kun?” Sho turned more fully to the younger teen, an odd note of monotony colouring the normally temperamental older teen’s voice.

“The others?”  Jun wondered if the others had hidden somewhere in a bid to play a prank on him.  Or Sho.  Or maybe both of them.  “I don’t know.  I haven’t seen them.  I was going to ask you wheth-“

“It’s not right Matsumoto-san.  You shouldn’t do such things.”  Even as he said so, Sho was standing up and backing slowly away from him.  “This…” his index finger pointing at Jun and himself in the growing distance between them, “… THIS isn’t right.”

“What isn’t right, Sho-kun?  What did I do?” The note of hysteria in Jun’s voice only rose as Sho completely turned away.  Jun rushed after Sho who’d somehow already exited the canteen, only to push his way out the door to find that the other had disappeared.  Shooting out his arm at full stretch towards the shadow he saw fading around the right corner, Jun couldn’t hide his fear.  “Sho-kun!  Sho-kun!!  Don’t go, please DON’T GO!!!”

The cold fingers of dread that had Jun in their firm grip one moment suddenly transformed to warm hands that wrapped themselves around his shoulders, shaking him even as a worry-filled voice made its way through the fog that was Jun’s mind.

“Jun-chan!  Jun!  JUN!” Jun’s eyes snapped open and his breath returned in a rush, relief coursing through him to see Sho in front of him, the bright hallway shifting to the nighttime shadows of their shared quarters.

It hadn’t been real.

And he was so glad.

So grateful that Sho had returned.

That he hadn’t truly disappeared.

That he hadn’t abandoned Jun.

Cos he didn’t know how he could live with that.


There was something Sho didn’t know.

Couldn’t know.


Not ever.

Cos what he’d imagined…

That’d probably be how Sho-kun would react.

And Jun found his breaths shortening again, the panic that had ebbed with the realization it had been a dream returning with a vengeance.  Because that would be Sho’s reaction.

But the Sho in front of him.

The real Sho who was scanning Jun’s face with concern in his eyes.

The real Sho who was nothing like the cold, passive dream-Sho.

Sho who was pulling Jun forward into a hug even as the younger cadet registered the erratic shakes making their way through his smaller frame.

Sho who rested Jun’s cheek on his sloping shoulder, gently rocking them in a back-and-forth motion as Jun’s lips pulled tightly together to choke back the whimpering cry.

Sho didn’t know.

He mustn’t know.

He COULDN’T know.

For if he did…

He wouldn’t want Jun anywhere near him.

No.  Sho wouldn’t be okay with Jun in his vicinity.

And Jun felt himself shatter a little more as Sho’s quiet mutterings filtered through the cacophony that was his mind to make some sense.

“Shhhh… shhh.  I’m not going anywhere.  I’m right here okay?”  The soothing cadences of the words in his ear continued.

And the gentle swaying warmth encompassing him both hurt and healed the disquiet he felt.

“I’m with you, okay? Always.”

But Jun knew better.

length: drabble, pairing: matsumoto jun/sakurai sho, arashi, character: jun, genre: angst, fanfiction

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