(no subject)

Feb 08, 2005 23:17

I just had parent's evening today. Well, not me personally, my mum went and I was dragged along. Just incase she got lost or something inside school. She only saw two teachers.
They basically said the same thing: STUDY!
Yes! I will!
*Toddles off to find a dictionary* But first I have to find out what that word means.

My biology teacher was off again and she had set us questions. Yeah, I did those, execpt I didn't realise *coughlistencough* that we also had to take note. Thus, I have more of 'Of Different Worlds' done.

Gah! I'm like, just before the final keyword area and I can't find a C core! *Glares at her PS2* No fair!

Plus I've also got a chemistry end of unit test on Thursday and then a Psychology NAB on the same day! I need to ah...what was the word again? It's slipped my mind...

general: school, fanfiction, general: gaming, fandom: .hack

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