
Oct 11, 2011 07:58

Noblesse 205!

Noblesse 205 )

fandom: noblesse, general: obsessing, fanfic: trail

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Re: I clearly post too many links. :P lucathia_rykatu October 12 2011, 01:13:05 UTC
Tao kicking down Regis and Seira's doors? I'm sure he does it to Regis without a second thought... but would he kick open Seira's door too? XD; How can he do that to a lady!?

I was wondering if maybe M-21 knew the guy from before (he got experimented on). Maybe the guy would even know M-21's name.

Hm, it's true that Seira, Regis, and Rai don't act too out-of-the-ordinary (they just look very extraordinary with the way they hold themselves too). But yeah, with how they're always around Shinwoo and Ikhan, they're bound to get some attention too! M-21 could sense that Seira, Regis, and Rai weren't normal, right? I don't remember if Tao or Takeo were able to do that too, but the nobles could sense when a human's enhanced... so it's not too much a stretch for the opposite to be true too... though Regis and Seira didn't figure out Frankenstein wasn't exactly normal (maybe that's just Frankenstein). I wonder how much each character can sense. XD;

There's going to be some very serious questions about the kids going over to the principal's house every night...
I wonder if either of these two new characters are going to end up joining them with going over to the principal's house. XDD

slkajsdflka I saw you post about the Rai and Frankenstein cards! And then died laughing because - because Kneel!! XDDDDDD!! Perfect!
LOL! You did? XD; I wanted to name Rai's deck "ramen", but that name was already in use, so my second choice went to "kneel". XDDD

"Since your heart is from a werewolf and you seem to be turning into one..."
HOW DID YOU MISS THIS? XDDD This season's plot (what little we know of it) is already making me squeeeeee. Because the kids getting the focus, and now possibly hints about werewolves? More focus on M-21? Yesssss.

Hey, will anyone mind if I decide to write Trail instead of the Master and Slave thing for NaNo? XD;;
XD!!! Are you having a change of plans now? You were planning Trail for quite a long time already too, right? I think... around the same time you conceptualized the master and slave story. XD; You should go for whichever one you want to write first. :3

or write one this month and write the other for NaNo


Re: I clearly post too many links. :P darkicedragon October 12 2011, 12:06:50 UTC
"but would he kick open Seira's door too?"
Nah, he'd probably knock politely and wait for her to open the door, but since kicking doors is loud, and the yelling that came after it, the whole house probably woke up. XDDD

"I was wondering if maybe M-21 knew the guy from before (he got experimented on). Maybe the guy would even know M-21's name."
LKASJLAKFJD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. *________* Oooo, what if their modications came from the same werewolf? If, you know, the other guy is part werewolf. XDDD

"M-21 could sense that Seira, Regis, and Rai weren't normal, right?"
*checks* He was wary when he first met Regis and Seira because they were suddenly at the house without warning, but he did call them nobles/noblesse later on. The red eyes? (And well, he'd seen Frankenstein fight. XDD) He was talking about his 'eyes not deceiving him', but hey, it might be a sixth wolf sense that he doesn't even realise he has. :3

"maybe that's just Frankenstein"
It's probably just Frankenstein. XDDD

"I wonder if either of these two new characters are going to end up joining them with going over to the principal's house. XDD"
'It's nice that you're interviewing us and all, but we really have to go now!'
'Oh? Where are you going?'
'Ehehe, I know! Why don't you come with us!'
'? Okay...'
Later there is much '...' when everyone else comes in the door. XDDDD

"I wanted to name Rai's deck "ramen""
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! XDDD


"Because the kids getting the focus, and now possibly hints about werewolves? More focus on M-21? Yesssss."
There is not enough squee in the world! ♥______♥

"You were planning Trail for quite a long time already too, right?"
I've been talking about it since...April. ...Wow, long time. XDD;;

"or write one this month and write the other for NaNo"
XDDDDD (Funnily, I seem to have at least the major plot points mapped out for the Master and Slave thing? O____o? It's only the end of the second week. I haven't filled in the blanks to get to each point or know how the endings is going to be, but wow. Now, I just need to add in more characters (and more antagonistic characters rather than just the one. XDD). alkdsjfa


Re: I clearly post too many links. :P lucathia_rykatu October 13 2011, 00:29:09 UTC
Hm, I can imagine Tao knocking on Seira's door. XD No one would be happy that Tao woke the entire house up though. XD

Oooo, what if their modications came from the same werewolf?
*bounces* It seems very possible at the moment! Their hair color is very alike. XD

The red eyes?
Haha, that should be a dead giveaway... in fact, more people should wonder about Rai, Regis, and Seira's red eyes. XD

'Ehehe, I know! Why don't you come with us!'
'? Okay...'
Later there is much '...' when everyone else comes in the door. XDDDD
Pffft, so the kids will be inviting them, eh?

XDDDDDDDDDD What Tao said there was what I noticed first actually. XDDD

Are you going to attempt to write more of Trail (all of it??) before more of Noblesse comes out? XD;

Funnily, I seem to have at least the major plot points mapped out for the Master and Slave thing?
That's good! XD?


Re: I clearly post too many links. :P darkicedragon October 13 2011, 09:52:47 UTC
"*bounces* It seems very possible at the moment! Their hair color is very alike. XD"
*wants all the chapters for this season nooooow, omg*

"Haha, that should be a dead giveaway... in fact, more people should wonder about Rai, Regis, and Seira's red eyes. XD"
Contact lenses. XDD But that shouldn't be going against school code or something? Though, I did know one person in secondary school who came in with bright light blue contact lenses, and around the pupils were a starburst. XDD It wasn't for very long though.

"Pffft, so the kids will be inviting them, eh?"
Could happen! XD

"What Tao said there was what I noticed first actually. XDDD"
XDDD Aaaaaah.

"Are you going to attempt to write more of Trail (all of it??) before more of Noblesse comes out? XD;"
Haaahaha, probably not. But I'll hopefully be able to write more of it before any reveals happen! It shouldn't come out if he's part-werewolf too soon (but this being Noblesse, who knows.)

"That's good! XD?"
*wonders if I should have six plot points instead of three* ;____; huuuuuge.


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