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darlingfox September 28 2011, 16:20:45 UTC
M-21 keeps improving and improving. I wonder if this is going to be used for something else later? Like when the werewolves are introduced

There better be werewolves in the future! I've been waiting for them ever since we were told about M-21's heart.

Haaaaaaaa. Either Rai doesn't know how to turn the lights on, or he's got really good night vision! Or Frankentstein printed it in glow-in-the-dark ink. XDDD

Those are all plausible explanations. XDD I'll vote for yet another Rai vs. modern technology battle because those are hilarious.

*blink* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Outside view of the house! Fully-detatched, Two floors, possibly an attic/third floor, two entrances! Woot!

I still don't know how all the rooms fit in there. XD Maybe if Rai and Frankenstein are the only ones who have whole rooms for their clothes. And wait, are the kitchen and living room upstairs?

Oh jeez, for a second I thought Tao had made a meeting room sign and stuck it on a door. XDDDD

He probably has made one but he can't put it on the door because Frankenstein would have a fit. XDD


darkicedragon October 1 2011, 22:06:05 UTC
askldfj I really hope so! :D

"I've been waiting for them ever since we were told about M-21's heart."
Saaaaame. XD

"I'll vote for yet another Rai vs. modern technology battle because those are hilarious."
We'll hopefully find out soon enough! XD

"I still don't know how all the rooms fit in there."
They don't. The living room/kitchen area looks like they'd take up the entire floor. So yes, TARDIS it is. Either that or Frankenstein has bought over the entire city and has created an underground city that's connected to his house. Or the house is an illusion and it's actually a tower building with, like, thirty floors.

"He probably has made one but he can't put it on the door because Frankenstein would have a fit."
He could use stuff that means he can peel the sign off again, but that would probably leave a mark...


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