(no subject)

Sep 13, 2011 07:24

The new season of Noblesse has starteeeeeeeed!! :D :D

Oooh? Cameras? Oh! Suyi! :D Been aaaaaages since we've seen her!

Aaaah, now Sui.

Pfffffft. Regis, Seira and Rai went to drink tea with Frankenstein. XDD

*snerk* Shinwoo's super!strong for a regular human! XDDD

Aaaaah! Ik-han's going to help!

omg, Shinwoo you dork XDDDDDD

"But why are they all so tacky?"
*waits for the smackdown. Please let there be a smackdown*

"What does 'tacky' mean?"

*snerk* Rai's going to be faaaaaamous. Okay, more famous. XDD

*dies as we get a shot of Regis standing next to Rai* omg yesssssss.

Noooooooooooo, why end there?? XDDD Back to the non-serious stuff, yey!

I love the fact we get to see what the characters can see of the mirror. :3

;lskjflkj looooove the possessed voice!

Bwahaha! It went into Natsume's eye!

What, Tanuma didn't know this was a daily occurence to Natsume?
Yeah, Natsume wouldn't tell them, would he? D:

alkdjf The guy died ages ago, didn't he?

LKSJ;LKJF Tanuma can see what Natsume sees now! :D :D

Kyaaaaaaaa, Natsume realises Tanuma can see it too!

Damn, Natsume would just think heartless were just ayakashi. D: D:

LKWJRKJG; Go go possessed!Tanuma! ♥____♥

*dies laughing at Nyanko-sensei dragging Tanuma to bed*

"I think the problem is your aesthetic sense, not your sewing"

"This is a nice mirror, isn't it?"
*dies laughing*

"That was a terrible excuse."
No kidding. :P


*dies laughing as Nyanko-sensei reveals the rest of the mirror. There was no way Natsume, Tanuma and Taki were going to find that all by themselves!!

fandom: noblesse, fandom: natsume's book of friends, general: obsessing

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