(no subject)

Sep 02, 2011 20:29

I...should probably start re-reading my springkink entries, since my first one is due to be posted in a couple of hours. XD;;

Checked the 'M-21/Regis, attraction' one and it's kinda...jumpy. Hm. Obviously this is the first one that needs to be posted. :P And the 'Rihito/Daisuke, telepathic bonds' one is for the fifth, and that definitely still has the markers in it! *needs to get moving*

Travel the World is getting bigger and bigger by the day. And unsurprisingly, I've added another scene. And I'm wondering if I should split one future scene into two as well... Except this scene is already near the end of the fic, and they would need to have at least one scene in between them. And hm, just where it would end up placed would seem a little, weird. Fair enough time passes between scenes, but the scenes would probably be seen as paired and - *overthinking things again*

We'll see what happens when I get to it - I might have a couple more scenes to slot in by then anyway. XD;;

fanfic: travel the world, fandom: noblesse, writing: springkink

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