
Aug 22, 2011 14:45

Noblesse, M-21 & M-24, around the world prompt! :D :D :D So awesome and I wanna write it nownownow. Just - need a plot. XDD

Okay, posting all my finished springkink prompts, so I'll know when to post them. XDD;

It seems ironic that I'm so organised with my journal because I'm so lazy. 'Finding and clicking two posts to see what fic to post when? Too much effort!'

Sept 3
Noblesse, M-21/Regis: attraction - This crush is completely inappropriate for a noble like himself.

Sept 5
Yoroshiku Master, Rihito/Daisuke: Telepathic bond - "Get out of my head."

Sept 6
1/2 Prince, Kenshin/Arctic Fox: Body-swapping - "He thought he was fast, but apparently, he was even faster."

Sept 9
1/2 Prince, Kenshin/Sunshine: Protectiveness - "I'll always have your back."
Noblesse, Tao/Takeo/M-21: Comradeship - "You better believe it."

Sept 18
Legend of Sun Knight, Judgment/Ice: Gifts - "what little he could do."

Sept 21
Legend of Sun Knight, Sun/Judgment: Wings - "Are those what I think they are?"

Sept 30
Noblesse, Rai/Frankenstein: Food - "Ramen."

writing: fic promptly, fandom: yoroshiku master, fandom: noblesse, fandom: the legend of sun knight, writing: springkink, fandom: 1/2 prince

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