(no subject)

Jul 21, 2011 20:19

I'm back! :D Kinda sore but alive and not hurt badly! I'm thinking about spliting the picture diary into two parts because, uh, we kinda took 300+ pictures. XD;;; Also need to downsize them because they're about 2gb altogether. Haaaahaha. We kinda went into overdrive.

Hope everyone's okay and if there's anything I needtoseeomgRIGHTNOW, tell me? (I'm going to assume Noblesse is one. XDD)

(Chances are, I'm probably just going to edit this post for at least Noblesse and Natsume Yuujinchou to save on flists)

Nobesse 194
"This should go down in history as the chapter Rai did the most talking!"
Daaaaaamn. *laughs*

Wooooo! Nice attack, Lord! \o/

Aaaaand, untouched. Of course. XDD

"You think you can fight me hesitantly?"

So, the guy with the shield and sword is from the Mergas clan.

Green aura!


Awesome! Three blood fields!

She restrained her strength to prevent the shrine's destruction...but she was not the only one.
Bwahaha! Oh jeeeeeeez.

"If you do not trust your soul weapon, it will not lend you its power."
asldkjfasdl Empathic weapons, eeeeeeeeeee.

O_____o Rai really is talking a lot. Wow.

Ooo. This looks a little bit more like what Rai's Blood Field was like.

Bwahahaha!! They broke the barrier! XDD

sdlkfjasdlk Rai summons Ragnarok eeeeeeeeee

She has two now! :D


I'd found another general prompt over on
fic_promptly that I wanted to write but it's hard, and it doesn't add up. It's for the prompt 'alternate history' and I was thinking about M-21. I made up a whole bunch of details that are now headcanon for me but...the split isn't happening, because it really doesn't make sense for there to be a split.

The general plotline of the fic was, [M-21's] waits in the kitchen of his home, kinda nervous, and hears his wife and kid come in through the front door. His wife finds him, and makes a comment about how he doesn't normally do the dishes unless he's absolutely forced to. He...sort of doesn't reply back or something, and then tells her that he's not going to along with the surgery. She asks him why. It essentially boiled down to, 'what if I die - I won't see you two again'. [and this is where I had clearly not been doing research because I thought the mortality rate was huge.] And this is where the wife kept going, 'but if you live, you can spend the rest of your life with us!' and then I got very convinced by her.

And even if [M-21] somehow didn't go through with the heart surgery, the Union would come crashing through their door anyway because yey, someone compatible with our werewolf heart!

Other details that I wanted to worm into the fic:
- The two talking about scars
- The two also talking about the length of [M-21]'s hair and him saying that he can't have it longer because it's not professional.
- Showing that [M-21] has black hair because my headcanon is it's because of his heart he's got silver eyes and hair.

writing: fic promptly, writing: plotbunny, fandom: noblesse, general: vacation

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