(no subject)

Jul 05, 2011 10:26

"One of the best chapters in a long time. As Claudia told me, it will make you go “Kyaaaaah!”."
Wow, now I really want to know what happens. :3

And the battle between Frankenstein and That Guy rages on!

*suddenly realises That Guy's transformation is like Sun's* *dies laughing* Omg, he's equiped Dragon's Sacred Brigandine!!

Weeeee! Frankenstein has claaaaaaws.

Pfffffffft. Major fast reflexes from Frankenstein's side and ohhhhhhh! He deflects with his blades with the point of his own Dark Spear!

...Pffffffft. And That Guy gets stabbed through the gut. *wonders if the next Bad Guy is actually going to be Frankenstein while he's high on the Dark Spear's power*

"It is your soul weapon and yours alone, as father intended. Do not give it up so easily."
D'aaaawwwwwwwwww. ♥ I like him a lot more now. But hm, if Rael's supposed to have his own soul weapon and That Guy has his own, what happens with the sucessions? There's going to be two branches of the same family?

"What do you foolishly use a power that you can't control?"
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D :D :D

... D: Uh-oh.

"I...curse you. I curse you...for doing this to me. For doing this to us... We curse you!"
:O The people Frankenstein experimented on? So if he did that for the sake of power, they gave it to him, but it'll make him lose his mind? *thinks thinks thinks*

Oh. The consuming's gone back a little.

And again, Frankenstein is getting the best evil smirk expressions. *___*

"Stop yelling. You're being too noisy."
*splutters and giggles* Awwww, their expressions! X3

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Back to Rai! *flails*

*step step step*
Is there ramen here?

Ffffffff. That's a huge door.

:O Aaaaaah!
*thinks* *realises something* *goes to check*
Is - is that what he was wearing right at the very start?? :O

Ah, damn. Another fight scene. But, well, 'Kneel'? :D? Or he's not going to acknowledge him? Or-?

"The nobles held two beings in high esteem."

"The other remains in the shadows. Even amongst us nobles, only the clan leaders and above were aware of his identity."
oh god oh god oh god oh god. *is totally bursting with anticipation* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

"If the Lord is a being who rules over the nobles...The one who watches over the nobles with his mighty strength is...the Noblesse."
So, HA, Rai would be taking a demotion if he became the Lord! XDD

The Lord symbolises authority, and the Noblesse symbolises power. :3

Pfffft. Rai hasn't even said anything and Kaye's stuck. XDD

"Who wields [strength] to protect the Nobles"

"Stand back."


Haha, I know exactly what fandom I'm going to be assigned for
parallelsfic - I added a new fandom in at the last minute. It's a completely new fandom for me~

writing: parallelsfic, fandom: noblesse, general: obsessing

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